I really need some help


Active Member
First off i'm really new to this, so any help is much appreciated and many thanks.

But I seem to have a little problem....
after germination...which I dont seem to have a problem with, my plants are dying..?

I have a germination heated station and am using DNF organic bassed gro 8-2-3

but after the first set of baldes pop out....the plant seems to stop growing vvertically and leaves start roting...

I'm thinking at first this was becasue it was too moist with little to no air, which did not allow for the leaves to breath.....but I tried this task again and opened the vent holes at the top and the same thing happened?

I'm using a 60w plant light bulb....maybe that's my problem? I'm pretty sure ph is 6ish....cos I do have a tester...

but it's been pretty shitty that for the last month i've been expirencing the 7day blues, after germination.

any help is great thanks


Well-Known Member
I have a germination heated station and am using DNF organic bassed gro 8-2-3
I'm using a 60w plant light bulb....maybe that's my problem?
More information required.

What is DNF organic based gro 8-2-3? (8-2-3 is the levels of NPK it contains)
What kind of light is the 60w plant bulb?

Sounds to me like it could be the light and/or they're over-dosing on nutrients, but it's impossible to say without more information.


Active Member
hey thanks for getting back to me soOo fast :)
DNF is Dutch Nutrient Formula
8-2-3 are the levels of NPK

the 60 watt plant light bulb, is something I bought from a hardware store that had plant written right on the bulb, it's like a standard 60w bulb.....but is supposed to be for plants.....i guess

I also have a250w MH which i havent' set up yet....i was waiting for the plants to get out of the germination stage like after the third set of leaves before i place it in its new envirnoment with it's stronger light....

does that help?


Well-Known Member
the taproot is taking some abuse. wouldn't suspect the light at this point.

could be too dry, too wet, too many nutrients.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for getting back to me soOo fast :)
DNF is Dutch Nutrient Formula
8-2-3 are the levels of NPK

the 60 watt plant light bulb, is something I bought from a hardware store that had plant written right on the bulb, it's like a standard 60w bulb.....but is supposed to be for plants.....i guess

I also have a250w MH which i havent' set up yet....i was waiting for the plants to get out of the germination stage like after the third set of leaves before i place it in its new envirnoment with it's stronger light....

does that help?
Not really - still need more information. What's the growing medium? Soil? If so what kind of soil? If it is, don't add any nutrients at this stage - it's too much for it. Is it hydro? What is the DNF?Type of soil? Nutrient additive? What?

Need more information on the bulb, how close is it? Is it incandescent? Flourescent?

It's next to impossible to tell what's wrong with a plant with so little information, give as much information as you can. I still think either the lights too close/wrong type or it's over-dosing on nutrients, but it's still too hard to say witch without more information.


Active Member
To: 7xstall

hey thanks...
I'm starting to think i might of been giving it too much nutrients....and too little watter in the mix.
it might also be getting over watered, i'm using rockwool cubs


Active Member
To: babygro

hey thanks for being a great pal :-D with patients

the growing medium is rockwool, and I am growin super sk hydro.

DNF is an organic nutrient additive
total N 8%
4% ammoniacal nitrogen
1.6% nitrate nitrigen
2.4% water boluble nitrogen

Phophate (P2 05) 2%
soluble potash (K20) 3%

Florida 5.6% synthetic organic nitrogen
2.4 natural organic nitrogen

Citric acid 18.8%

mixing directions 5ml to 1 Liter of H20 (1 tsp to 1 quart of H20)
*i've only been adding 2.5ml to 1 Liter water....with Ph levels at like 6.0 and have been feeding it a little bit every day with this mixs

The bulb is:

non-flourescent...i believe, it doesn't say but it had plant bulb written on it..


the light is about a foot away.....


Well-Known Member
don't give any nutrients at first, that seed has plenty stored to pop the coat and get the first two leaves up and in the light. even after that be very conservative with the nutrients, make the root work to find food.

i've never used anything but dirt so i can't help with the rockwool thing but if you're sure you didn't get too dry - it was prob too wet. :)


Active Member
i believe it got too wet....and was prob drowing in nutrients.

so it's okay to just give it water for the first bit with Ph levels at 6? and maybe wait to add the nutrients after the first week or so


Well-Known Member
you're prob right.

that's a bit acidic, closer to 6.5 - 7.5 would be best, is your tap water coming out at 6? if so, run it through a carbon filter before using it. soft water like that is common in coastal areas.

anyway, i think i did read somewhere (someone smack me if i'm wrong), rockwool needs to be flushed before you use it...something in there drops the ph.

i personally wouldn't give ferts in soil until you have at least 3 pairs of leaves, the first rounded pair don't count. again, i don't know anything about rockwool so you might have to give some ferts...less is usually better though.


Active Member
Well I'm about to start all over again....

I flushed out the rockwool cube for more then 24hrs with ph levels at like 6.0 and am not gonna feed it any nutrients until I see it's 3rd set of leaves.

What I wanna know is if i when I should change ph levels for 6.5 or 7.0?
and maybe how often should I water it?

thanks very much to everyone's helpful advice



Well-Known Member
growing in just rockwool 5.5-6 ph

yes there is a specific product for rockwool pre-treatment

no i have never (in the past) pre treated or ph'd my rockwool trays all the way to harvest (5 yearsago back inthe good ol days)

no nutes until you have alternating nodes (perpendicular leaves) 2-3 sets

start with like 300 ppm for a week then kick it to like 500 for 2 waterings then keep increasing till you see a little (the tiniest bit) of burn on the tip of the leaf (or not)

that way you know the plants taking as much nutes as it can.

roots need oxygen so let them dry a little between waterings.


Active Member
THanks very much Dankciti

that's great information...it will help
but what do you mean by ppm 300 and then to kick it up to 500 between waterings?