• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

i really need medical help!!!!


New Member
"but in the mean time my head is killing me. it's hard to even smile. it hurts to laugh. people are mean to me because of my attitude. my neck hurts."

Sounds to me like you have a compressed disc in your neck. Depending upon the level at which the disc is at, the pain can go down into the arms and back area ... OR up into the head area. If I were you, I'd seek the advise of a nurologist. Take it from me Bro ... I've been there.



Well-Known Member
damn dude i feel for ya :(!

last month i was running from the popo and i broke a tall feince, wich resulted me falling into some bushes, and somehow a small bush branch punctured my leg and went up in that hoe. butterfly stiches left me with sexyugly scar


Active Member
what if mary j wasnt mary j...
what is smoke...
your high is lower than you really thought...
could it be my eyes deceive me...
this feeling that I feel...
what is love...
what is real, the reality of what is...
but what about what aint...
why aint isnt a word...


Well-Known Member
:joint: it still frickin' hurts. the dr. had me on claritin (for my allergies,lol) that was half the head ache. as soon as i quit taking them the headaches weakened a little. but i still get them every night. if i go to sleep with 1 i awake with it. i haven't been able to make it stop. vicodin is stupid.
i have an appointment at UCSF medical center with the ENT specialist. i've made a few tools and have been digging in my tonsil. i and the wife can both see the pocket which contains the magic sticker, we just can't get to it. if i keep it clean it's not that bad. 3 weeks until my appointment.
my face still goes numb. MRI is still awaiting insurance approval.
i'm still ornery. i wonder, if i can get all this taken care of, will i be even happier. i don't think those around me could handle any more of my goofball ways.hehehehe :joint:


Well-Known Member
if your still talkin about pain i just about took my whole left ring fingur off with a lawn mower (i know im dumb)lol but it wasnt my fault and i couldnt explain it to you.

heres my x-rays yea it hurt and still does and my fingur isnt even anywhere the same and it hurts ever day

first pic is like an hour after and the 2nd is 8 hours after surgery



Well-Known Member
Let's see now, I will start just 11 years back @ 20 I was in a crash involving a deer doesn't sound too bad yet. I hit this deer, and sent it flying into my windshield still not too bad, the thing came thru the front windshield and into the passenger seat.. of a FORD RANGER/ no king cab. That this piss pounded me I woke up 3 hours later.....in a huge V ditch not visible from the road. I ended up with 28 stitches a I had been knocked unconscious for hours..... they when I was 21-22 I guess I was involved in a fight ....yup you guessed it...not it was with a GUY 200 lbs worth I was one big mother back then 300-326lbs, ass didn't have a chance, that is what I thought HE did not have a problem pulling a knife on me and using it... that time I was so wasted no need for an ED trip...wrong I need 20-30 stitches.. too late to get them after 20 hours later... hummm someone forgot to tell me this...I now have an awesome scar on my inner thigh..... I love it when people leave their mark like a tatoo... I hate being branded with miserable memories.... anyways at 26 I was in a head on collision in an ambulance I was in the passenger side seat my partner/male/driving moved to the left lane to get around someone that was not yielding, and BAM right into a troopers car, we/I, I never saw it coming I hear OHHHH SHIT, BAM I broke my patella/(Knee cap) into 3 pieces, yeah can we say 8 weeks of hell in a knee stabilizer..... it is not like getting a knee replacement, in which he said we PROBALLY should have done the knee replacement from the beginning, but what the hell it wasn't his knee, I know what you mean I know when I is gonna snow & rain...lmao, Okay last one... here we were right in the middle of a huge hurricane that came at sat on us, well we had the national guard there I was a Paramedic my EMT partner and 2 soldiers went to try to rescue a elderly lady, I did not do this by choice, it was a job hazard... you go or you don't collect pay.. I have 2 kids, any ways I was with America's finest...lmao not we came to a bump in the road and the HUM-V didn't act like it wanted to go... I yelled stop!, the SRGT said WHAT.. I said how many hurricanes have you been in??? None this is my first now remind you hurricanes can be fun, but you have to be careful... anyways I said the road could be gone there was about 12- 12.5 inches of dark muddy fast moving rain water....I said humm I said let me call my Director and see..... the next thing I knew the truck was charging backwards.... the soldier looked me dead in the eyes, and said this thing will get thru anything... I said NOOOOO, by then I just hung on mind you I didn't have a belt on b/c I had just re-entered the vehicle.. we went slamming into this hard wall the nose of the HUM-V wen t nose first in a huge washed out part of the road, I was ejected, thrown right into a tree broke my L fore arm actually shattered it I had 2 operations on it... still not too good. BUT hey I am here and still able to talk about it.. I smoke POT and TRY to be happy, I use alot of herbal meds to help relax and sooth your body...Fdd you want some suggestions... Pm me back.... I will help you if I can I know what you are going threw... Can you believe that thru all that I took pain meds only for one procedure I had done... and I said I am an ex user I don't want anything...except tylenol... well I could not not stand it anymore my guts felt like a ring of fire I have had problems from day one... some the dr's could not foresee, BUT do you give a junkie the keys to a Methadone closet...NO well he gave me time released morphine pills... like giving milk to a baby I wanted/ and NEEDED more.. I got back all those same junkie withdrawls... cramping in the stomach puking... I got off of it all and went all herbal... it has been working for the most part I have really bad days......but I have 2 beautiful girls... they are worth more than any needle or high that a drug can produce... that has been my strongest motivation....Fdd, I know how you feel I keep stress headaches and they hurt, but you can't get them to give you something for your nerves, they think your anxiety goes away in the 30 days they gave you to get by on and then they act like it is too much to refill the script. kinda like your a druggie... I told my dr now if you are gonna give me something it has to be long term cause I have 2 kids and they are not leaving in 30days.....lmao.... Luv ya guys take care.....Mbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
so here's my story:

back in my day i was on. hardcore metal shows 3-4 nights a week. lived in the east bay so someone was always in town. the best times of my life. but with it came costs.

punched in the faced by a tweaker while i was sitting behind the wheel of my car. guy was trying to get at my passenger. took a full force direct hit right on the point of my nose. pretty much crushed all the meat in my upper lip. got all nasty swollen messed up for weeks.

water skiing in the alameda estuary. tidal waters. these little patches of floating debris got caught up in the swirling currents and are scattered across the surface of the water. i was on a knee board. got "whipped" at 40mph on a 65' rope on a hairpin turn. 3/4 of the way thru this insane ride the nose of the board dug in. i've been told take the speed of me could have been 60+ mph due to the "WHIP". i hit face first with my mouth wide open. felt i should have been hurt pretty bad. they say i did 3 full cartwheels. when i got back into the boat i put my head between my legs and 2 handfuls of water and little sticks drained from my sinuses. to this day i feel something in the back of my throat.

one night 2 girls and myself were heading out to a 2am rendevous with ANOTHER fifth of jack and frisky attitudes. it was on for me . i was in guy heaven. they kept telling me to put on my seat belt. haa, i am man i don't need it. plus you're not gonna wreck. she wrecked. put us straight into the side of a cliff at 55mph. my face went thru the windsheild then came back in.
split my head 5" up starting at my eyebrow. she wanted to report the truck stolen and collect the insurance so we told the er i just got in a fight and someone hit me with a bottle.

so 15+ years later.... MY FRICKIN head is killing me. i have had a headache 24/7 literally for over a month now. i told my dr. all these strories and my head hurts. so he gives me claritin!. he has ordered an MRI now since the claritin didn't help.
but in the mean time my head is killing me. it's hard to even smile. it hurts to laugh. people are mean to me because of my attitude. my neck hurts. this sucks. i smoke ALL day just to keep from screaming.

i hope he helps me soon.:cry:
Oi mate that fucking sucks, just last year i was drinkin with me boi's and all drunk and stonned my buddie wanted to have a foot race... so all drunk and stupid i dident pass up a challenge, we raced we tied, so ofcourse we had to race again... this time it was to the windows at the building... so we were running it was a tight race... we were tied again... but we were going full tilt there was a brick ledge under the window i was going to put my hands on and stop myself... but i put my foot first and there was a kurb... I headbutted a 8foot by 10 foot INCH thick window... half of it shattered i was fine... then the other half gave way... Landing right above my eye cuttin me right threw the bone... it slid off me head and shattered i was head to toe in blood within seconds.... walked to me buddies house and then to the fire station... i lost over half of me blood, and the doctors and police asked me if i used a baseball bat to break the frickin window, i told him i headbutted the fucking thing. Inch thick glass takes 1-2 whacks with a baseball bat... only took one blow from my head ;) they did xrays and the glass cut my skull... doctor said luckly my skull is abnormaly thick... its just over a inch thick he said... NORMAL thickness is 2 pennys thick.... if my skull wasent so thick the glass would of cut me head right off..... the glass weighed just over 1000pounds, i had some problems from this but its been a year and im fully healed mates :P


Well-Known Member
Oi mate that fucking sucks, just last year i was drinkin with me boi's and all drunk and stonned my buddie wanted to have a foot race... so all drunk and stupid i dident pass up a challenge, we raced we tied, so ofcourse we had to race again... this time it was to the windows at the building... so we were running it was a tight race... we were tied again... but we were going full tilt there was a brick ledge under the window i was going to put my hands on and stop myself... but i put my foot first and there was a kurb... I headbutted a 8foot by 10 foot INCH thick window... half of it shattered i was fine... then the other half gave way... Landing right above my eye cuttin me right threw the bone... it slid off me head and shattered i was head to toe in blood within seconds.... walked to me buddies house and then to the fire station... i lost over half of me blood, and the doctors and police asked me if i used a baseball bat to break the frickin window, i told him i headbutted the fucking thing. Inch thick glass takes 1-2 whacks with a baseball bat... only took one blow from my head ;) they did xrays and the glass cut my skull... doctor said luckly my skull is abnormaly thick... its just over a inch thick he said... NORMAL thickness is 2 pennys thick.... if my skull wasent so thick the glass would of cut me head right off..... the glass weighed just over 1000pounds, i had some problems from this but its been a year and im fully healed mates :P

aaaaaaaaaaaghh! glad to hear you made it thru the guilotine. crazy drunks we are.:peace: :joint: :joint:


Active Member
Wow, my heart goes out to you. Chronic pain (esp. migraines) can be so powerful that it may/will change your entire personality and spirit - at least it did mine.

While still needing meds (Imitrex) for migraines (which it clearly sound like you have) - vaporizing has helped (at least for me) not only for most of my pain issues, but it also helps my spirits up. I hope you can find peace with this, too.

Have you also considered Fibromyalgya (I spelled that wrong) which they are finding may actually a neurochemical imbalance. I know that I was diagnoised with this at one point when the doctors thought I had a brain tumor (have they done any biochemical tests that might show a tumor that an MRI might miss?). They normally treat this with antidepressants now, but I found 'marijuana' to work much better.

It's the only reason why I came back to 'MJ' - I quit while in grad school, but realized that it helped me with TOO many things - incuding all of the above, plus high blood pressure (have you been checked for that? Could cause headaches too), anxiety, insomina (due to sleep apnea) and depression. I still wouldn't consider myself a heavy user - I vaporize every other day (quit smoking two years ago) and have very positive effects medically - I do still use it recreationally as well though here and there, but not too often anymore.

It sucks to have these problems when your so young - I hope I am still considered young (at 30) and the weed I kept in my freezer for the past eight years has been such a blessing.

I hope you find peace soon.


Active Member
I had to add that I have found accupuncture to be very helpful for controling pain and spiritual 'balance' as well. Biofeedback software (ex. Google 'The Wild Devine') has helped me too!


Well-Known Member
well the MRI was denied. i love insurance companies. i need other care first. more xrays i guess.
the wonderful news.........................i get my tonsils out.i've lost 20 lbs over the past year because i can't eat like i should because i'm afraid when i eat something will get stuck in my throat, which it does, then i cough for hours. the surgery is easy enough but from what they tell me the recovery is a bitch.


Well-Known Member
I suffered from headaches for over 20 years. They would start out like tension and build into migraines and I would end up throwing up and laying in a dark room with the curtains and windows closed. After every test they could think of and being tried on nearly every med (some made me violently sick) it took a shrink about 10 minutes talking to me to find the problem. Stress caused by OCPD. Since I had it so long is was VERY bad. A few tokes and the stress, headaces, TMJ is all gone. No more as long as I can have access to my MM. The doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and insurance companies made a lot of money of a me until I became a medical marijuana patient.


Active Member
I've been in my share of accidents, but my friend hasn't, when I Was 12 me and a friend were racing on bikes down a dirt path and it led to a semi-busy street..
He was going really fast and a person in a honda decides to speed... unknowingly he speeds right into my friend, launching him 45 feet into a brick wall instantly killing him.
And I was there and I witnessed the entire thing... Although we were both stoned so I don't remember it that well, but I still miss him. it could have very well been me who was winning the race, and I could have died.


Well-Known Member
what kind of hardcore?

slayer, megadeath, venom, metallica, death angel, exodus, iron maiden, d.r.i., anthrax, ozzy, jugs of jack daniels, lsd, speed, coke, more jack, beer, beer, beer, 2 week benders, girls, beer, exodus, beer, speed, girls, slayer, beer, jack, and some more beer. then on tuesday night.............


Well-Known Member
death angel...dang, haven't heard of them in years. room with a view...i still remember how to play that. :)

dude, you're going to have to convince your Dr. to submit the MRI to your ins. as required to treat you. this would be the case if x-ray does not show anything but your symptoms increase. iow, call the Dr. often enough and he will get ins. to pay for it to get you off his back...hopefully, he will be able see this stuff you have in your sinuses/throat also.

they try not to abuse the system when every hypochondriac has self-diagnosed a brain tumor or whatever and that's what they must think is going on with you.. you can get your MRI if you stay on it...maybe it will show up on x-ray and you'll be all set anyway.

best of luck!


Well-Known Member
slayer, megadeath, venom, metallica, death angel, exodus, iron maiden, d.r.i., anthrax, ozzy, jugs of jack daniels, lsd, speed, coke, more jack, beer, beer, beer, 2 week benders, girls, beer, exodus, beer, speed, girls, slayer, beer, jack, and some more beer. then on tuesday night.............
I wish Jack Daniels were my boyfriend! lol!