I quit!


Well-Known Member
So the otherday i realized i just spent around $14 in one day on cigs.. soo... it got me thinking why the fuck do i smoke anyways? and i decided to quit so far it has been 4 days without a puff ... going from about 2 packs a day to none is a huge change but.... i feel good about it...

anyone else out there quit or tried to quit.. or have reasons the would not quit? just curious as to your reasons for quitting if you did or are and such and your experience with what helps and such



i'm tryin to quit right now

though i had my only two cigerrettes of the week tonight... i was doin so good... lol

i just can't breathe
and well... i ain't quittin the pot... so byebye tobacco... that shit doesn't do any good anyways... atleast pot keeps me sane.... =]


Well-Known Member
hell if u cant breathe drop satans dick, and pick up gods tits (weed). Weed isnt bad for ur lungs medical ournals say it coats it and is good for ur lungs actually that it cleanses it. Personally i smoke cigs when i cant smoke any weed for like a whole month, cause it gives me a somewhat buzz. but other than that i hate them, i smoke 1 or 2 occasionla ylike if everyone else is, im not addicted so im good.

anyway nice work on quiting thats impressive


Well-Known Member
i stopped cigs 5 years ago, it was the best thing i have ever done i have saved thousands of dollars allready


Well-Known Member
after 27 years of smoking cigarettes I have quit. I had tried in the past using the patch, gum, zyban and always went back within a month. This time I used the new drug Chantix and have not smoked since 4/11/07. No cravings, no urge to kill. Although for the first week, pot had no effect on me, which has since cleared up. It's a beatiful thing.


Well-Known Member
i'd like to give up ciggies but im not ready to. no point giving up if ur not ready to it just won't work. doesn't it take a month for the tar to get off ur chest? i'd love a clear cheat. always gettin chest infections.


after 27 years of smoking cigarettes I have quit. I had tried in the past using the patch, gum, zyban and always went back within a month. This time I used the new drug Chantix and have not smoked since 4/11/07. No cravings, no urge to kill. Although for the first week, pot had no effect on me, which has since cleared up. It's a beatiful thing.

welbutrin is fairly easy to get prescribed and works GREAT for the cravings and whatnot...

just don't feel too bad as you lie to your doctor about being mildy depressed... lol (or just tell them your trying to quit smokin cigs, they know how good the stuff works...)


Well-Known Member
I took the wonder drug Chantix to help me in to beginning, but stopped the drug after 3 weeks and am only on free will. The important thing is to NEVER SMOKE AGAIN! As soon as you smoke one cigarette, you are back to the point when you quit. One is too many and 1000 is never enough. 2-3 packs a day and over 3 monther without. Ask me in 10 years and I still be free from those wretched things.


Master of Mayhem
I tried to quit a couple months ago and did alright for like 1 week. I was fine with the physical withrawl, it was the mental that got to me. My fuse went from like 4 feet to 1 inch. I was always mad and aggrivated with everything. I couldn't take it and started back. I think I'm going to try the patch next time to stop that angry feeling.


it sucks though, cuz i'm a blunt man myself

mm... georgia peach... nothin better when smokin some regs...

so everytime i spark one up, i'm still feeding that nicotine habit...

and it makes me sad to have to cut back on the blunts...


Well-Known Member
good to hear others made the decision to quit as well.. for right now it has been about 4 days or so... i dunno all my friends smoke so i see them smoking in front of me everyday... but surprisingly i have not had that bad of an urge chewing gum helps alot..


Well-Known Member
I've only ever smoked weed.
Sounds weird but i never really got the point of smokin cigarettes as it does fuck all.

I find it funny when people who smoke say "It calms me down"
Well duh, it calms you down because you don't crave nicotine anymore!

I only buy cigarettes to make my joints, Stupid huh?


Well-Known Member
Chantix is for quiters!

no but really matthew shit 2 packs a day! you just saved your own life, dont fuck around anymore,