Well-Known Member

sry i had to coer my face. this was last night. and happy 24th to me aswell.
heh heh.Gafoogle is like 4'11" 85 lbs. Loves shoots and ladders. Knows how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsy pop. Drives a weird hybrid suv/sedan thing. Likes pony tails. Prefers slippers to shoes. Only eates mustard and ketchup on her burgers. Sweat pants are the ONLY option.
hahahaha i was hoping you'd respond in such a wayI'm down. On all fours.
no, I just think it would be silly for me to draw in bigger boobs. dlol@ a shifty glance. you avi makes me think (a) cups.
your avy screams to me that you are a middle aged white man with trust issues of his own. maybe married but the wife is a nagger(not in a mean way)kodack .. 30-35 failed first marriage found life easier alone successful bachelor , trust issues ,yet if you are a true friend will have your back
a what?...maybe married but the wife is a nagger(not in a mean way)
if so the grass would be cut the edge would be trimmed , ready to re asses the av?your avy screams to me maybe married but the wife is a nagger(not in a mean way)
I thought he was calling her a nigger...I'm sure he ment..a what?...
[youtube]IgD06EM-F3U[/youtube]nagger, or someone who nags and complains alot, yekno?
well the dog is clearly well loved so you must be a sweetheartif so the grass would be cut the edge would be trimmed , ready to re asses the av?