I once was a coke dealer who had his ex girlfriends brother take me to re-up with 2 grand in my pocket. Dude said he had to stop somewhere first, and i didnt have time for all that, so i called my other friend (who i trusted with my life) to come pick me up. My ex's brother came out of the complex he ran into like what the fuck are you doing ?! i told him i was waitin on my ride cuz i wasnt about to let him bullshit n waste my time. I grabbed my backpack n got out of his Chrystler Pacifica. I waited in the middle of a dead end road for my ride. about ten minutes later my ride hadnt come yet, but my ex's brother came back, driving down the road i was standing in. I didnt think anything of it, n stepped to the side so he could pull up and cry about me leaving him.
he didnt stop. he hit me square on with a chrystler pacifica doing 30 MPH. i flew back about 30 feet or so, and i actually was able to stand up on my feet, but slowly. by the time i stood up, and looked up, the car was an inch away from my body, and i got hit again. flew back into a mud puddle, and dude got out of the minivan, and took my backpack, which had a .38 in it, with a digit, and about an oz of inositol powder (for cut). He didnt get my cash, which he thought i was stupid enough to carry in my backpack, but still, i couldnt get back up. one of my legs was broke in two places, and all ligaments were torn. other leg only most ligaments were torn. broke two ribs, and i just flat out couldnt get up. i was left for dead in a mud puddle, on a dead end street with nobody around. I passed out. when i woke up i was getting hauled into an ambulance - apparently my dude showed up and called an ambulance for me thank god, lol.
-This wasnt some stupid one time "i wanna be a drug dealer so im gonna do this" type thing, i was selling coke and various other things for years until this point. I had people around me that wouldnt let a god damn thing happen to me, it was my own personal stupidity that i was doin this with somebody i didnt even really like, n i was alone. After that, i sold dope n OCs for another year, but then i just stopped because my legs couldnt take being on the move all the time. Took some of the money i saved up, and went across europe for one last big travel cuz i figured id never be able to move around like that again after a couple years, was a once in a lifetime oppurtunity, so i packed my shit n left. Was gone for a few months having the time of my life, n i met my wife out in NEw Zealand. After that ive cleaned up completely, am going to school, have gotten married, and have a beautiful son who im raising the right way. I now grow pot for my own medicinal purposes because i never want to have to rely on a pill to kill my pain ever (although i probably will, as this is pretty much a debilitating injury - but pot seems to be working at the moment

) .
**Went to A-dam for out honeymoon, and i started reading up about growing bud. N from there i tried doin it for the first time a year later, n the rest is history**
--So i guess mine is :
I once was a stupid motherfucker who almost lost my life because of drugs and money.