I Need Your Thoughts!! Interesting


Active Member
G'Day RIU Members

So My 6 week veg female has been under 12/12 for 4 Days now, I am taking Advantage of her 'Stretch' Period via 1 LST Wire Pulling The top of the Plant down, Pistols Showing @ 5 weeks in veg, Plant is growing vertical, LST Wire has Maximum Tension Without Snapping

Now my Question is; Iv Added a Product twice so far called Neutrog GoGo Juice, Its 100% organic & has shown amazing results, basically its a pro-biotic liquid for your soil & plants, it contains billions of beneficial bacteria & has kelp, seaweed & fish included, its a Catalystic power, The Only Other Product i am Feeding Them is Dutch Masters Potash+ Rating 0-4-9, Will I Need to add any other Flowering Nutrients in future? Im No longer using the Shitty 'Nulife bloom a&b hydroponic' Nutrient, not since im pretty sure it created huge problems for my last grow, If I Keep This up & Notice a P-K problem then ill need to get something organic "Western Australia we have Bunnings Ware House"

Does Anyone Know of a product or even have used Dutch masters a&b respectively and had great results? My Aim this grow Is Dank Buds Not huge yield, i am using a treacle mix (2 caps to 1 ltr) and helps amazingly to feed the gogo juice, My mind is more on the lines of 'Dank juicy soil = Dank juicy buds"?



Well-Known Member
Less is more !

in full flowering you won't need much N, just enough to keep her green, instead you will need some with a high amount of P and some K, I like to use Bat guano as a top dressing around week 3 of 12/12 (end of stretch) that have a high amount of P (3-15-4 + trace/micro`s)



Active Member
Oh wow thanks i didnt know it came in containers, i thought it was in bags, Ill look out for it next time, any experience with a liquid fertiliser with a low N high P medium K ratio?


Well-Known Member
yes you can get some P/K 13/14 in liquid form works great nearer the end if you want to give em a last boost and help them finish and rip, or if you have a deficiency early on in 12/12

try google it, most brands got some high P/K for flowering


Active Member
As far as i see in bunnings is 1ltr PK13/14 @ $50 a bottle at bunnings :( I kinda figured id be able to try get it else where for alot less, What if i made a 'compost tea' possibly without compost? Example being Pump+Air-Stone w/ 30ltrs water & Cheesecloth with bat-guano, worm-castings,Gogo-juice, 'Molasses' etc inside to brew? I dont look foward to just adding nutrients unless its organic