I Need Your Opinion On These Nutrients!


Well-Known Member
I've never used them. Maybe you can email and ask for samples. Don't say what you are using them for, but just ask if they offer samples because you wanted to try before you bought and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
lol, wow can't believe you secured the name islam, in 2012 no less. You'd think that shit would be taken way long ago.

As for the nutes, IDK. I've seen good grows with them online, but I've also seen a lot more people who are new to growing run into trouble with them. I don't know it its just people can't follow directions or if they're a bit tricky to use. When I first heard about them I wanted to try them out but after watching the forums and seeing problems, I'm passing them up. If you do try them, see if they have a support team that can back their products up and answer your questions should you get stuck or run into problems.

I really believe if you know what your doing, you can grow with just about fertilizer on the store shelves. One of my best grows was using using organics, but I was using products that I found at Home Depot. Things like worm castings, Kellogg Organic All-Purpose Fertilizer, Alaska Fish Emulsions, and Alaska MorBloom. I didn't go crazy with additives or special teas. I just grew cannabis like if it was a tomato or citrus crop.


Active Member
Yea, go figure! I was surprised there wasn't a username squatter who took this name.

Ahh you're making me nervous muchacho! Thanks for all of the info though, very helpful.

I think I'll give the nutes a go, although I am pretty nervous!! Hope all goes well!