I NEED YOUR HELP! PICS! What is happening to my flowers??

OK. Thank you all in advance for any help.

Here are some of the preliminaries:

12 girls are now flowering in 707 soil, most are in 5 gal pots- it has been about 5-6 weeks since flipping to 12/12. They are getting floranova bloom nutrients 2xweek & floranova foliar spray 1xweek but no spray for the last two weeks, since this issue has resurfaced again. Also, I have not nuted in about a week and have been flushing for last few days.
1 1000w hps is above
the room temp has finally gotten into the mid 70's now that I have put in a little heater but the room temp is prob mid 60's when lights are off.

ok- so here's the problem.

On 4 of the girls, the buds have begun to die right in the middle of the plant, working it's way up towards bigger and bigger nugs. They are just shriveling up to nothing... and they have lost their pistils almost completely, even though just 3 inches above the nug looks healthy, for now. The nugs are no longer compacting denser and getting more frosty, instead the trichome is like disappearing. WTF somebody help me here, I can't seem to find any pictures or descriptions of this issue. Has anyone seen this? What is goin on?
Again, thanks so much for all input!

sorry for duplicate images, too early in morning...


Well-Known Member
IMO. quit spraying stuff on your buds,Wheres all your leafs,maybe calmag and micros.


Active Member
those look very sick,like the other guy said,wheres all your leaf? it looks like those should have been veged anther few weeks befor putting on 12 12,and the dieing buds look like either to much heat or not enough,and why are you flushing them lil plants,lol


New Member
You cut off too much leaf and now the plant cant photo synthesise due to lack of surface area to take in lumens and convert to growing energy. U need only trim 50% of your fan leafs and veg leafs and even thats dangerous sometimes. Better luck next time get started from scratch and try not to interfere with the plant so much as feeding it well and keeping it stable.... a few thousand years of evolution makes sure they need as little human interaction as possible.
You cut off too much leaf and now the plant cant photo synthesise due to lack of surface area to take in lumens and convert to growing energy. U need only trim 50% of your fan leafs and veg leafs and even thats dangerous sometimes. Better luck next time get started from scratch and try not to interfere with the plant so much as feeding it well and keeping it stable.... a few thousand years of evolution makes sure they need as little human interaction as possible.

The plant I took this small branch from had enough fan leaves, I really don't think it is from a lack of fan leaves, especially since the issue is decimating my nugs that already existed! The nugs are going along fine, getting denser and larger, then all of a sudden from the middle, the nugs start to shrivel into nothing and the pistils fall off not just shrivel, and like I mentioned , the nug just 1.5 inches above will still be looking healthy.

Just in case it is not a lack of fan leaves, any other thoughts on what it may be?


I am also adding another photo from a plant from LAST harvest that also had this issue suddenly creep up, the nug just went from healthy to shit in a few days... and yet right above is still healthy!


Any more thoughts here?

I really do not think it is lack of fan leaves since it is kinda sporadic, within each plant and from pant to plant. It just kinda starts in the middle, and it even does not affect lower buds at first?

No one has seen this issue?


Well-Known Member
Maybe your cat is boxing them to death! In all seriousness, your plants look like shit. For being in flower under a 1k that long and to be that small I would say they've had a problem for quite some time and are just now starting to die. At a wild guess if you aren't over/under feeding and temps are good I'd look at the PH you're watering with. Should be around 7. And foliar spraying should be done at lights out with fans still running.


Well-Known Member
are those on the lower branches of the plant ? and not very top. or middle. if so cut them off throw away. expose to cut the bottoms off before start of flower any ways.


Well-Known Member
Full pic of the whole plant with some of the unaffected ones would help. Also you said your last grow did this too. Have you thought it might be something in your grow room ?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking its a combo of the medium and nutrients. That 707 looks like some weird shit, like what I'm growing in now, mendo mix which is mostly coco. I was watering it as soil because that's what I thought it was and had ph issues. Once I started using a ph of 6 everything squared itself out. Then I ended up burning them because I was feeding on top of their shit already having nutes in it.

That floranova can be used in hydro as is, which to me means its synthetic so that brings me back to possible ph problems and possibly needing flushing. Do you water to get some runoff too? If the 707 is mostly coco, I didn't research it much, then you'd definitely want to start treating it like a hydro grow. If it is mostly soil then I'd think about switching to an organic nutrient lineup. Just some thoughts!


Well-Known Member
IMO. quit spraying stuff on your buds,Wheres all your leafs,maybe calmag and micros.
Agreed, with the leaf question.
Some pics of the whole plant would help.
Did you chop off all your fan leaves?
If you did, the plant is just going to age, and not going to continue growing.


Well-Known Member
They are very dark green. I'm thinking too much N...which can also slow budding. Probably more then one issue.