I need your advice to help my girls...pics


Active Member
This is my 5th indoor grow in a well ventilated 3X6 closet. I am a month into 12/12. I am using a neautral grow medimum with Fox farm neuts with a 400 w hps lamp. My watering schedule is every 3 or 4 days. Yesterday everything was good but today on several of my top buds on several plants the fan leaves are curling up and drying. Never seen this before?? My first reaction was over feeding so I flushed all the plants. Just wondering whats going on and how can I fix it if possible



Well-Known Member
You sure they arent to hot as well as overfed?
Do you have a fan moving the air across the tops?


Well-Known Member
looks to be too hot. i agree with natmoon. But i have never seen the leaves curl that much.


Well-Known Member
either too hot or too humid? could also be magnesium (Mg) deficiency caused by too low pH.


Active Member
Funny thing is only 2 of my 5 are showing this problem. Ventiliation is good...temp is good (79-85) and humity is good( not over 50%). I really think heat is not the issue. Lights are 12 to 14 in away from tops....but I never thought about a fan blowing on the tops.