i need to speed up growth


ok... i need to grow my plants faster whats the best way to get my plants to grow faster indoors they are only 1 week old and i want to be able to grow them outside in 2 weeks how can i speed up growth so they are strong enough to grow outside? by the way i am in minnesota near minneapolis but not in minneapolis i have good soil and i have good lighting and that.... but i dont know what i can do to speed up growth.... whats the best way.. what can i do? feed them more? or... i dont know what i can do any help would be great or techniques you guys know for fast growth this is necessary because i need buds.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
the best way to get them ready for outdoors is if you can get them outside for a couple hours everyday. Get them outside for longer and longer until they are outside all the time. If you can't do that, I would say to get a strong breeze blowing on them and the most intense light you can. Overfeeding won't help them grow faster, feed them what they need.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Invent a time travel machine so when they are big enough to go outside you can go back in time to the point you wanted to put them outside.

Other than that i'm lost as to help.

Good luck though


Active Member
Invent a time travel machine so when they are big enough to go outside you can go back in time to the point you wanted to put them outside.

Other than that i'm lost as to help.

Good luck though
I'm with you man... time machine would fix all these damn problems...


Well-Known Member
I'm in the mid west and the last frost is April 27th in my farmers almanac. And there is no possible way to speed up mother nature.
And 24/0 actually makes them grow slower and it would stress the plant when it goes outside. So goodluck.


the fastest way to grow any plant is through aeroponics and veg for 24h and get at least one 1000watt hps for those babies


I say work on your root system and extented your deadline back 2 or 3 weeks. That will give mother nature time to get ready for your girls, and your girls ready for mother nature.