I Need To Slow Down Growth


Active Member
Hi all,

Long time reader, first time poster. I have some lovely NL hash cross going in a double-chamber box, and I cloned too soon, and now have my veggy ladies growing way to fast and up into my lights (which i cannot move) and in chamber #2 I am still a few weeks away from harvest. So, I would like to slow the growth in chamber 1. I am growing hydro. How can I slow growth? Just run water and trim liberaly? perhaps tie down the tall chutes until I can move them? Help me out!



Active Member
Using CFL's Think i will drop my LED panels in there to slow even more? jury still out on those fellas i guess. Help me out with the jibber, LST? top?


Well-Known Member
top the hell out of them man! If your doing hydro they will regenerate fast as hell so trim em down to size and keep it that way! You can keep a mother plant at any size you want with topping and trimming to your needs