I Need To Leave My Mother For Three Months!


Well-Known Member
We are heading into winter in this part of the world and I need to go away for 10-12 weeks.
Iv'e been trying to think up creative ways of keeping my mother alive over winter. (ie almost dormant but 'alive')
temp outside 0-15c (30F-60F). 10hrs of sun :-(

Outside within an clear enclosure with rain runoff and just enough sup LED's
Inside with everything auto (and minimal light/water/airy spot)

Any Ideas?


Well-Known Member
Ha, thanks. Yes, two obvious answers. A long time ago i did travel with several plants in the back of a Combi lol..

I should have also said that, while it's a road trip, I can't take them (need to go through two quarantine inspections). Also, for various reasons, while I have stealthy indoor and outdoor locations, i'd rather keep the stealth... the only person really i'd trust is coming with me..


Well-Known Member
Yep, just a fine perhaps a few 00$ but there's a good chance of having it nabbed in border quarantine. Only small time at home and never been continuous in the past but she's been a good lady this one ; ). I'm sure someone here would have managed similar semi-dormant 'grow' somehow.


I dont know man. If you dont have anybody you can trust it isnt looking good. Do you have a significant other or family that can possibly quickly learn and babysit?


Active Member
3 months away! The only thing i could say is try and build a watering system and put it on a timer, and lights as well.