i need to know something


Well-Known Member
could someone direct me to some links or tell me all the different ways a plant can turn hermie? i've heard stress?? that it?


Well-Known Member
I have personaly never heard that one b4 hermi plant are just born from seed with both of the female and male parts i never bther with them has soon has i notice that i have one in my grow area i pull them and get them out of the grow area has soon has possible these plants can mess your grow up big styley.If you do notice that you have a male or a hermi try and get it out be4 pollen falls this can cause you haveing a crap crop full of seeds and its not over there you have pollen in your room wash everything even down to the cloths you were wearing these could have pollen on whitch you could put in contact with any females you have.I have even known someone find a male plant he went to tell a friend of ours and he must have had pollen from it on his cloth sbecause he was only growing femanised strains and the next minute seeds started appearing along with flowers he was not best pleased i will tell you,

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I have personaly never heard that one b4 hermi plant are just born from seed with both of the female and male parts i never bther with them has soon has i notice that i have one in my grow area i pull them and get them out of the grow area has soon has possible these plants can mess your grow up big styley.If you do notice that you have a male or a hermi try and get it out be4 pollen falls this can cause you haveing a crap crop full of seeds and its not over there you have pollen in your room wash everything even down to the cloths you were wearing these could have pollen on whitch you could put in contact with any females you have.I have even known someone find a male plant he went to tell a friend of ours and he must have had pollen from it on his cloth sbecause he was only growing femanised strains and the next minute seeds started appearing along with flowers he was not best pleased i will tell you,
Absolutely 100% WRONG!!! Males and females from seed. Hermies are STRICTLY from stress!


Well-Known Member
Hermies can come from seed. When you stress a female to become hermie the offspring is only female and hermie.
Hermies USUALLY come from a light leak, also say your light doesnt cut on for a day or two, not good. Root stress usually doesnt hermie a plant, it just stops flowering. Also if you increase light time while in flower they will think they missed reproductive time and will try to self pollinate. There are a bunch of things, usually has to do with lighting.


Well-Known Member
KA BLOOM now KOOL BLOOM will not change sex. The fact that your mates still got KA BLOOM worries me. That stuff is old, toss it out.


Well-Known Member
well i believe that might be whats causing my plants to stress because i dont have sturdy grow walls, i have panda sheeting(white&black sides) hanging from my ceiling and fan will blow them around a little bit


Well-Known Member
only homos ive ever seen where from light leaks and feminized seeds never heard of it happining from stress before

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
only homos ive ever seen where from light leaks and feminized seeds never heard of it happining from stress before

"HERMIES"...DO YOU KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR? Hermaphrodite is used in botany to describe a flower that has both staminate (male, pollen-producing) and carpellate (female, ovule-producing) parts. This condition is seen in many common garden plants & medical marijuana plants as well.
Ok, that is the official mumbo-jumbo of a hermie. But, if you happen to have a hermie in your medical grow, then you could have problems. For example, if your favorite female(s) goes hermie when you are ready to harvest in a week or two, then you DO NOT have to worry because a seed or two that late is not going to harm anything. On the other hand, if your newly sexed young females come down with hermaphrodite characteristics, then you probably will do best and remove those from your grow.
Several hermies that come on early in flowering will give you problems. Their pollen will spread throughout your medical grow & you will have several or many of seeded budz. Not good! You must be vigilant and scout for the dreaded hermie.
First, genetics come into play. However, I have seen hermaphrodites in cannabis from perfectly sound genetics. STRESS! It can do to a plant the same as it does to other organisms. For example, when you are in the process of sexing your medical marijuana plants, if you fiddle with the photo-period, by changing the dark period, then you will greatly improve the chances of hermie-hood! But why would you do that? For instance, a grower friend recently had to move his grow in the middle of his sexing period and had his plants completely do a 180 & reverse their photo-period for several days. When he finally got them back to their usual home, he noticed about one third of the females hermied out on him. BIG BUMMER! They got stressed out by that. In the wild, the photo-period is natural not like a grow room. So what do you look for?
Pictures speak louder than words, so I have illustrations of females turned hermaphrodite.
Ok, genetics plays, but stress is the #1 cause