The election almost lost me my closest friends in the world (other than my wife.) They simply couldn't comprehend that I didn't want 'Hope' or 'Change' or someone with a brain in office. Granted McCain doesn't have a brain at least not one that functions fully, but I felt that more of the 'same crap' was better than a sudden left turn into on coming traffic.
Since we almost lost our closest friends I've stayed 110% out of this shit world of politics. Up until 2 days ago when Obama did his, "giggle, the internet is full of pot heads" stand up act. At that point I decided I'll look backwards.
Every reference he made to 'ending the war on drugs' during his campaign he SPECIFICALLY mentions 'federal mandatory minimums for crack.' Not weed, not coke, not meth, CRACK!!
Then it hit me, it's about race, specifically HIS race. (If you weren't paying attention kids, the higher percentage of Crack arrests are 'African American' and the sentences handed out are ridiculously high. I agree with lowering them or removing them, but NOT releasing them.)
I don't have a problem with any race at all, what I do have a problem with is legislation having a racial preference. If he decides to let crack dealers and crack heads off the hook he sure as hell better let weed growers off the hook as well. I personally loath crack, I watched it kill several of my friends and I'll never touch the stuff or associate with anyone who does.
If he lets all the crack people out of jail and keep incarcerating marijuana smokers, growers, dealers, and tokers then I will be officially done with this nation. The bottom line is I live here, I vote here, I pay stupidly high taxes here, and I chill here. I don't like, never have liked, and will never like crack heads and the destruction that follows in their wake. I don't want a nation full of free crack heads, end of discussion.
His 'I inhaled, that was the point' was SUCH a load of BS. Sure you and roughly 65% of the country did too so what? He just going to continue to bend to special interest, big money, and every one else until the end of his term then he's either going to see re-election or he's going to free crack criminals and leave us peace loving, mellow, marijuana people to rot.
Sweden or Switzerland has been looking good for quite a few years.
