I need some serious help devising a security system.


Active Member
Get a baby monitor, they cost around 30 or 40 bucks i think. tape it to your plants with clear packaging tape, and hang some tripwires all over the ground that lead to it with a bell next to the monitor. Think of it like a spider web so they all link in a central point where the bells and baby monitor are located, and as soon as they touch one, you'll hear bells jingling over the monitor.
How you handle the rest is up to you. lol
Its a cheap way to rig up something quick if you need it.


Well-Known Member
Now here is the time where I encourage violence. I would literally sit in my backyard in the dark night after night. WHEN they show up, yea, ones dead for sure. It's one thing to try and get revenge if you're a guerilla grower on private land, but my backyard? The one with windows to my kids bedrooms? Plain and simple. Kill them. Stop them from possibly killing someone in their futures. To step into ones yard to steal? Yea, zero regard for the law. Shotgun in the chest then call the cops to remove the fuck. Why did you shoot them? Um, I was protecting my children? Oh ok thank you sir. Have a nice night.
You, Sir, are my kind of guy. Couldn't have said it better m'self.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Surround your plant with treble hooks in lightweight fishing line, about stomach chest and head high. I don't know about in Cali, but here I can shoot you on my property (properly posted "no trespassing, of course") A silencer isn't that hard to make, and you only have to make it quiet enough to not disturb the neighbors. If you don't want blood on your hands, a beanbag round, or rock salt makes one hell of an impression coming out of a 12 gauge.
If these little pricks aint stopped, it's only a matter of time before they escalate. Someone will eventually get hurt. Hopefully it's them and not some little old man and his wife.
Radio Shack sells close proximity motion sensors you can set near or at your plants. You can even adjust the sensitivity so that cats won't trip them.Run the alarm into your bedroom. Better you wake up to a false alarm than lose anything, like the golden opportunity to stop the little bastards.


Well-Known Member
How much vacation time you got? Last year I took 6 weeks of vacation right around harvest.

There's almost no substitute for a live person.

Can you, or others in your household change their work shift, for a short time?

Can you get someone to come stay there at night? That's your best bet.

Any friends that owe you a favor?

i was waiting for you to post, i knew you would have the answer i was looking for.

i have a friend who i trust more than anyone else, hes taken the rap for me before.

i talked to him today hes gonna work shifts every night in the backyard midnight to 6 am all of october.

all he needs is a little help from snow white ;)

i'm gonna give him a pound if no one touches the plants.

I only have one week left of vacation this year and all of october is already taken. I'm gonna have to take it the first week of november. or the last week of september.

Smoke bros
thanks for the idea of fake and legit cameras i'm going to frys this week to buy a set of four cameras two legit and two fake.

Jack Harer
I'm gonna go to radioshack and check out those close proximity motion sensor sounds like it could work.

and i completely agree with you these people have to be stopped and me and my small group of trustworthy friends are dying to be the ones to do it.

Cant thank you guys enough for all the great ideas keep em coming.

I want to be fully prepared for these lowlife degenerates.


Well-Known Member
Just be careful not to accidentally film yourself in the act of beating the crap out of these guys.


Well-Known Member
u can get motion detectors that are set for a certain weight. my uncle has some and sets them to a 100lbs since he has a dog thats about 90lbs. his dog doesnt set them off but anything over 100 does.


Well-Known Member
u can get motion detectors that are set for a certain weight. my uncle has some and sets them to a 100lbs since he has a dog thats about 90lbs. his dog doesnt set them off but anything over 100 does.

Yep I have those as well. I also use the harbor freight driveway alerts. The are not set for dogs but with some tweaking they work fine. I like the driveway alerts for you can carry the reciever with you.

I will have over 20lbs in my backyard surburban grow. I just sleep with my plants. I park my camper van within feet of my plants. Years past I sleeped in a tent right next to my plants. I cannot hide my grow from 2 neighbors. So I have to play like everyone knows. If my neighbors do tell anyone. They will also tell them I camp with my plants.

Even with the cheap sensors I am able to tweak them so the dogs or wind do not set them off.


Well-Known Member
u can get motion detectors that are set for a certain weight. my uncle has some and sets them to a 100lbs since he has a dog thats about 90lbs. his dog doesnt set them off but anything over 100 does.

any idea what their called??? or where to look for them??

thats exactly what i need bro.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what kind you want. For sucurity lights you have to look at the specs. The higher end lights will have the weight thing. You just have to shop till you find one. Not sure if there is a name for it. It just an option some of the nice ones have. These will turn on lights or alarms depending on what type you get.

Driveway Alerts are a little different. They work the same but you carry the reciever with you or next to your bed. They just chime and let you know someone is comming up your driveway. With the driveway alerts the ripper does not know you know he is there. So you have a chance to catch them. The cheap driveway alerts will not have the weight option. But the higher end units do. You get what you pay for. The thing with the driveway alerts is the time is takes you to get out of bed and into the garden. A ripper can pull lots of plants in that time. Plus I am the type that does not want to confront a ripper. Chances are I will get my ass kicked in. My goal is to scare them. So I leave one reciever outside to chime and scare the ripper off. I carry the other reciever with me at all times or close by.

So if you want to catch the ripper get some driveway alerts. To scare them off get some lights. I think then chime will scare the ripper faster than lights. But who really knows. Like I said a ripper can pull a plant and run pretty fast. So driveway alerts are not always best. Great for catching them though.

Again, just look for the weight option funtion on the higher end lights or alerts. They also have sensor alarms that are super loud. They have a 30 secound delay though. I do not like these for to much can go wrong when super loud house like alarms are going off.

These are what I use. They are about $11 with coupon. They do not have the dog weight. I have 4 dogs and set mine up where the dogs do not set them off. A ripper would have too crawl thro dogshit to get to my plants. They have different channels so you can alarm areas on each channel (front back or whatever). It takes a few days to set them up just right. But after that I get no false alarms. You can get these same type with the dog weight though. They just are more money.


Here is a one I have that does have the weight for dogs. No adjustments though, It only has an 80lb limit. So anything over 80lbs will set it off. Do not know how they work but it works well. I have a 60lbs lab and never sets it off.

Porky B

Well-Known Member
Dude that totally sucks!

I had a very similar situation happen to me four years ago. I was living in a nice neighborhood in the east bay. Had break-ins around the block, cars broken in to, and finally found pry marks on the back shed/grow room. (was a rainy night-dogs were inside):-( Made me plex to say the least!

Now I know you said no way to motion sensors cause of animals. But in the right situation they can work pretty good even with dogs and cats. You just need the right kind and creative placement.

Get the kind with sensors like this.

They are fairly directional and wireless and you can buy multiple units to cover lots of sections.

What I did was place them higher then the dogs height and angled upward so only a human would trigger it. Worked pretty well, no false alarms and I slept better.

The one I had was something like this - Example link

One unit is pretty cheap. You could experiment with placement of the sensor and if it works out buy more slave units.

One thing to watch out for - don't point at plants. When the wind blows you will get a lot of false alarms.

But for my money.... you can't beat dogs! It only cost you dog food.:-P Do you know anyone with a big dog you can borrow for a month?

Another good tip - Scatter Aluminum cans around possible entry ways. Makes a hell of a racket!

Hope that helps some

Good luck


Skip the part about the big dogs! Just read that you have 2 great danes! Thats plenty enough dog. But unfortunatly it sounds as though they are just as much a danger to your garden. Yikes!


Well-Known Member
You can also pitch a tent in the backyard. That might make a ripper think twice.

I say use the driveway alerts for lights will not always wake you up. Or use both. But the driveway alert will wake you up. I leave one unit with me. And one unit in the backyard. So we both hear the chime at the same time. By the time I get outside the ripper will be gone. Thats fine with me I can see what happend after he is gone. If I did not leave one in the back he can do lots of damage in a minute more so if your plants are on the smaller side. I want them gone asap.

The good thing about monster plants like in my avatar. They ripper would need truck and lots of time to get it all. With smaller plants he could rip them all out of the ground or pots in secounds. This is why I leave a alarm outside and inside. Plus I am not the fighting type. I look to scare them asap.

I bought a camper van over the winter. I can park my van right next to my plants. I just sleep there with my little alarms. But when watching TV or on the net I can carry the reciever with me. I sleep with my shoes on until day break as well. I cannot own guns so its just me a 3 dogs a machetti and tee ball baseball bat.

My yard is easy to defend. So small and thin. If anyone is back there I will know. You can see my sensor on the left pole of the carport. Then under the window. The tall trees do not move enough to set the green sensor under the window off. The MJ plants in the wind will. I will have to move that. Also by my fan is junk piled up. So anyone has to follow my path I have pre set for them setting off my alarms.

Once I have my 3 carports up and with plastic on them. I can set one channel for inside the carport. And one channel outside along the tree line. So I will now way before they can even get into my green house cover thing.

If you have a fence line where a ripper can peek over? I used to put LED lights arounbd my plants and windows. I know thats tweaker stuff but I was trying anything for I did have a ripper atempt in 2009. I would plug in my red LED charger to my drill. They would see a red flashing LED in my windows flashing. I was plugging in anyhting that had a LED light. LOL. I do not do that anymore for I just sleep out there now.

Amagine looking over the fence and seeing 5 LED light blinking in your windows and garden?

My van can be seen from the street. So any ripper will know I am camping out there.

This shot explains it all. I have a hispanic guys living in my neighbors apartment above there garage. I have to play like every ripper in the hood knows. Who knows who they have told? But if they told anyone they will also tell them I canp out there. I make sure they know that. Both of them go to work at 3:30 am. I make sure they see my flash light when they leave a few times a week. I work swing so I can stay up late. I worry more about getting robbed at gun point than rippers.



Well-Known Member
Dude that totally sucks!

I had a very similar situation happen to me four years ago. I was living in a nice neighborhood in the east bay. Had break-ins around the block, cars broken in to, and finally found pry marks on the back shed/grow room. (was a rainy night-dogs were inside):-( Made me plex to say the least!

Now I know you said no way to motion sensors cause of animals. But in the right situation they can work pretty good even with dogs and cats. You just need the right kind and creative placement.

Get the kind with sensors like this.

They are fairly directional and wireless and you can buy multiple units to cover lots of sections.

What I did was place them higher then the dogs height and angled upward so only a human would trigger it. Worked pretty well, no false alarms and I slept better.

The one I had was something like this - Example link

One unit is pretty cheap. You could experiment with placement of the sensor and if it works out buy more slave units.

One thing to watch out for - don't point at plants. When the wind blows you will get a lot of false alarms.

But for my money.... you can't beat dogs! It only cost you dog food.:-P Do you know anyone with a big dog you can borrow for a month?

Another good tip - Scatter Aluminum cans around possible entry ways. Makes a hell of a racket!

Hope that helps some

Good luck


Skip the part about the big dogs! Just read that you have 2 great danes! Thats plenty enough dog. But unfortunatly it sounds as though they are just as much a danger to your garden. Yikes!
Thanks for the link Porky B.

I'm gonnna have to starting it up this weekend, appreciate the advice.


Well-Known Member
Good Shit 5150.

I'm gonna have a friend camp out in the back all of october, gonna give him a pound if he does his job right. Trust this guy with a lot hes a good dude, has take the rap for me before.

Thanks for the input on those motion sensors. I thought i wouldnt be able to use motion sensors put that looks perfect.


Well-Known Member
My friend has these dummys that look real.He puts them in his front yard and dresses them up on his bench and it always take me a long time to realize its a dummy.i was thinking of putting one in my garden on a chair so if anybody trys taking them at night they would see it and run away.What if the dummy had a stabbed mark on it from some crazy tweeker that thought it was real,could of been you that got stabbed.