I need some help


Active Member
I have seven marijuana plants. Three are planted in the ground and two out of the three have seven leaves and one has nine leaves. What does this mean? I also have four that are still in pots in a green house. The ones in the green house were all planted around the same time. Two out of the four are tall and green with nice green colored stems, but one of them has a red stem. Does this mean something? Or will the red stem eventually turn green? On the last one that is in the green house it is short and semi bushy, but it was planted at the same time as the other ones, it doesn't seem to be getting taller just bushy, some of the leaves look deformed. Does this mean anything? Is it possibly a deformed plant??


Well-Known Member
the more points on a leave the better, it means your plant has more energy to dedicate to new growth then recovering from everyday stress, its also an indication that the roots are healthy. the red stem could be a result of fusarium wilt but i would needs pics to confirm it.
With that bushy plant, is it the same strain as the rest? if yes then it might just be a mutation of the growth hormones, if no then its just the strain....some strains can grow 10~ feet tall with close to no work, some only get 2 feet then bush out like my northern lights.


sounds like one of those math questions from high school.


Active Member
Alright. Well thank you. When it stops raining here I will go outside and take some pictures. Then I will post them on here.


Active Member
Here are the pictures of the two plants. It just rained out so there is water on the leaves.

This is the one that doesn't seem to want to grow tall. Possibly deformed?

This is the one that is red.

These are the three that are in the ground.


Well-Known Member
Here are the pictures of the two plants. It just rained out so there is water on the leaves.

This is the one that doesn't seem to want to grow tall. Possibly deformed?

This is the one that is red.

These are the three that are in the ground.
The purple on the stem is genetic.


Well-Known Member
loooks like there are very very streched to hell i would get a 5 gallon bucket to transplant them to and do not water them maybe once a week or twice if you can dig down in the soil 3 inches and not find moister then you should water but if you plat the 1 with the red stem put the hole stem in dirt and that should help good luck


yeah, i agree with the guy above me...i have never seen a plant that stretched before.


Active Member
The color of the stems is normal for some kinds , don't worry! Get it out of that peat pot! Use a nice deep pot . Deep pots give more room for tap root and produces more females. It really looks over watered. Some plant really hate that, let them dry out and they will be fine. More plants die of too much water than anything else. If its big or outside they will take more water, in a greenhouse with high humidity they pitch a fit if you don't keep them on the dry side. I keep my young ones really dry till they get big and need the water . Peat pots cause mould ! Get ride of it. If you tend to over water use a clay pot they dry easier and the roots get more oxygen which they need.
Good luch I'm sure if you let it dry out it will be fine.


Well-Known Member
yeek the ones in the green house don't look to good put them outside with the others asap. :)


Well-Known Member
bigger pots, more nitrogen and a little love and your babies should fatten up. make sure your not over watering....once every 3 days is perfect, any more or any less and its possible to damage your babies.

the red on the stem will turn purple, its genetic....means it generically comes from southeast africa or asia.....atleast one of its predecessors did.


Active Member
Alright well I am going to plant them all in the ground with the other three.. How long do you think it will take the three in the ground to start flowering??


Well-Known Member
the 3 in the ground should have perflowers soon if not already,perflowers are the first sign that flowering is beginning.so it should be very soon :)


Active Member
Different varieties have different grow patterns, some are smaller like Lowrider . It depends on what the seeds were. There are seeds like Duckfoot that have different leaves than tipical. Doesn't mean anything.


Well-Known Member
the more points on a leave the better, it means your plant has more energy to dedicate to new growth then recovering from everyday stress, its also an indication that the roots are healthy. the red stem could be a result of fusarium wilt but i would needs pics to confirm it.
With that bushy plant, is it the same strain as the rest? if yes then it might just be a mutation of the growth hormones, if no then its just the strain....some strains can grow 10~ feet tall with close to no work, some only get 2 feet then bush out like my northern lights.
I asked the same question a while back and almost to the person said it makes no difference to the quality of smoke. If that was the case, I have a plant goin in my outside grow that is from a PURPLE seed that is more than 20 years old. We found an old bottle of seeds. This plant had leaves that had 19,,,,,count them 19 fronds on the leaf. That should send me to the moon then. Several plants with 13 so it looks like I am gonna get gassed LOLOLOL.
Like I'm not 24 hrs a day.


Active Member
So I haven't been home in two days, I came home today and went outside to check on my plants and I happened to notice these. What the hell are they? They are the only plant with these and its on the weird red one.
