i need some growing advice


Active Member
This is my 2nd grow. My 1st grow i only had one female. So I flowered one female in a tent with a 600wHPS, That was EASY. My 2nd grow i got female seeds. Veg was easy, but i started running into issues while flowering. I dontknow alot, but it almost seems like i dont have enough light to handle these 5 plants in this area. Any thoughts?



Active Member
yes, on some so i learned very quickly on my 2nd grow, dont do so many varieties :). Some did well, and others burned


If i where you i would just kick it up to a 1000 w hps light but thats just me lol im looking for best results. while in veg if your leafs start to wilt look at the colors if its tan looking more crisp raise your light or vent more air cause obviously to much heat is accumulating. second if your using nutrients dont worry about putting to little, to little wont hurt but to much will. the best thing i suggest is buying some anti wilt here is a link for the product i bought and it worked well. http://www.bghydro.com/BGH/itemdesc.asp?ic=NERVGAW04 make sure you keep the humidity nice and moist in veg and a very comfortable warm.