I need some good advice, can somebody who uses Fox farm help me?


Well-Known Member
My first AG grow just ended with a disaster. First off I have Fox Farm and followed tehir instructions and added nutes from the get go. Major problem. My plants are in a mylar lined grow tent and I addded 6 CFL's with daylight light. I used bag seed. I use a General Hyrdo test kit and check ph each day. I dont have a digital one but the one I have looks between 5-6 PH.

I have 2 air stones and an extra pump.

I had my 2 plants vegging for 6 weeks, They looked good too. I had fans going on them and they were STRONG! The stalk was thick. I had a BIG fan pushing them around.1 foot high and lots of nodes. I topped them and it worked GREAT! then I noticed some white spots on the base of my stalks. I wiped these off and all of a suddedn my plant looked terrrible. The base of the stalk turned black and I had to kill the grow. My roots looked great, so I was confused.

Here are the questions I need help with.

1. Nutes- I have AG and Fox Farm Trio. When should I add them? Should I just use the AG nutes or the Fox Farm. How should I add them? Should I fill the rez with a gallon of the nuted water or fill with regular water and top with nuted water? This is where I can really use help. I cant find anywhere. What does EC mean? Also the schedule states to add 1 tsp of Grow Big and big bloom during week one. Should I wait? till when?

2. Light in the AG- seems like my plant dying is form light getting in the water. I covered the top and sides of my AG with aluminium foil (dull side up). Is this bad?

3. I just germinated my seeds. This time I bought Nirvana Northern Light Blue Mystic feminized. I hope this helps. I put them in the AG today on 24 hour light.

I am using just the AG hood for now until the start.

Any help is greatly appreciated. this site is amazing and the knowledge here is incredible.


It sounds like you might have burned your plants. dont use the big bloom till week two and when you get new plants only use half of the reccomended nutes on them.


Active Member
It sounds like you might have burned your plants. dont use the big bloom till week two and when you get new plants only use half of the reccomended nutes on them.
when to use thefox farms in conjunction with other nutes you dont give it a tsp a .25-.50 of a tsp if you using with other nutes


Well-Known Member
are you changing your res water weekly?
Per the Fox Farm schedule I waited until after 2 weeks.

Then I read more here and started to change weekly. I am changing my resevoir weekly now. What is the best method to add my liquid Fox Farm nuets? For exaample when they say 3 tsp Grow Big should I premix it in a gallon jug and then add to the empty resevoir? Should I fill the water up 75% and top with the Grow Big mix? This is what is confusing to me.


Well-Known Member
I'd seriously listen to the advise of using less than recommended. How you put it in whether mixed in a gallon or straight in doesn't really matter. Too much burns, you can always increase the amount each week.
Changing the res will avoid tons of problems.
I went down that road, and for me growing in fox farm soil is 100 times easier than the arogarden.