I need some easy assistance folks!

I am getting ready to start growing marijuana in southern canada/ontario I got a prime location. I don't know where to start though whats some good products ill need for growing some good marijuana dope outdoor. I am gonna start the seeds rate outdoor. I am also wondering whats a real good marijuana type of seed that is fast growing, high yields, good quality, good for outdoor canada temperatures where i live and can be abused by beginners. I do know that im gonna need to buy some peat moss high quality fertilizer and whatever else that will help me. I'm just sick of buying dope now I want to grow some sick as chron.


Active Member
do your reserch on some seedbanks..check around.everyone says something diff..ur choice
seeing how your candana boarder..i would think there would be some seed banks around that area..maybe not tho.
drchronic.com.seedbank.com,attitudeseeds.com are a couple tho.
and every crop is diff.just cuz its good for one grower,dont mean its good for yours..
chances are your going to get 3 diff answers to your questions...learn your plants as best you can.
as far as what you need..depends on what the soil looks like where your going to grow them..are you growing in pots or you sticking them in the ground..whats the temp like up there..im in Mn and its around 30 at night..
thats too cold to stick them outside..anything under 50..id be scared of frost in the morning..and with lil seedlings..they will die..do some research and when your ready to plant.hit me up.Im not a expert,but im not a rookie either.and im always willing to help those that are willing to help themselves..
I'm thinking of getting northern lights. roughly 10 seeds. im gonna plant rate in the ground no pots,the soil is average it could use a little peat moss and other stuff it was a farmers field. I plan on digging a deep hole for each plan and mixing in the organic stuff. (worm casting, little fertilizer, top soil, fish) anything else you can think of that will make er grow to be a big bastard?