I need some advice


Active Member
Problem: I cut my harvest and dried with a food dehydrator, now i'm wondering if i have ruined my harvest or not?

should i cure it now? or will curing not work since it has been heated a bit?


Well-Known Member
does the stems snap when you bend them?? do the buds feel dry?? if so it's time for jars. make sure to burp them a few times a day.

you dont want to dry the bud too fast.


Well-Known Member
Problem: I cut my harvest and dried with a food dehydrator, now i'm wondering if i have ruined my harvest or not?

should i cure it now? or will curing not work since it has been heated a bit?
you could always throw some orange peels or something in a jar with the bud and remoisten it but i dont know how much this will help. if its dried why dont you try smoking some and see how it is.


Well-Known Member
I would not of used a food dehydrator at all they get pretty hot. you most likley degraded the THC while doing so. patients man! you waited all this time to grow it why rush the dry and ruin your hard work. oh well lesson learned I guess