i need some advice on hydroponic growing please

okay i have 21 plants growing in some nice soil well now i want to start another grow room doing hydroponic and this is what i got so far i have a 5 gallon bucket, net pot, an aquarium stone, and a air pump. now is there anything else i need and idk what to put in the net pots what kind of rocks or something, and i have no idea about nutes someone help


Well-Known Member
well check out plantlightinghydroponics.com its got everything.. read about the items and pick them up as u need them..

the rock is hydroton.. look for maybe a 3 gallon bucket and a gh drip ring collum with an air pump. these get good results but you have to research how to make one


Well-Known Member
ps.. your name grandtheft420 pisses me off. i know its a video game but, now i want to kill something.
lol i couldnt think of anything else to put as my name, so go put in some game and kill someone lol alright thanks for the links


Well-Known Member
i was thinkin more of the person who got me. but i have to leave it to karma so my ass dont get pinched. just hate me some pot thieves

hydro does suck to learn .. but them buckets can be filled and left for a week at a time before refilling and adjusting. beats having to water soil every other day.. also the growth is faster and you wont be sweepin dirt up for years after.

no to mention if you see problems just fill with pure water and ph.. let them correct themselves and then back to the nutes..
and bugs, forget about em'


Active Member
A 5 gallon bucket should be good for 2 plants. start with clones is easier and faster....get a grow tent 2x2x6 growlab and a 250 hps lamp would be all you need....

For nutes I use floranova series from GH great results...and use the feeding chard for hydro, you can get it from GH web site.