I need my lights off every week.!


Active Member
Every sunday i need my lights off earlier. I have a guest in the house on sundays and i dont want to risk anything of him finding out.
I am on 12/12 cycle and lights turns on 10:30 pm and off at 10:30 am.

Every Sunday i need the lights to turn off at 7 am ish instead of 10:30am so it will be losing 3~4 hrs of light every sunday.
How bad would this be to my plants?
Or would this be okay if only done once a week?

Im 4 weeks into 12/12 and 3 weeks since sex/budding...

Also to be SAFE SAFE i really want to cut my lights to 10:30 pm ~ 7:30am until harvest which is only 9 hours of light daily.. Would this be a bad idea?

Any advice would be nice.

luvvin growin

Active Member
messing with the light during flowering is ok as long as when its dark,its dark.Move the schedule but you cant go crazy or you stand the chance of hermies.You can take away some of the light,as long as you dont increase it you should do fine.