I need honest opinions on miracle gro mediums


Active Member
My last harvest tasted almost not completely but almost like nl flower from the dispensary with a very slight hay taste because I didn’t cure that long and jumped the gun on enjoying her haha


Well-Known Member
And looking for opinions on miracle gro not what college I go to I’m sorry I don’t trust the internet to the fullest extent to post the name of my college which is also the name of the county I live in sorry but not my cup of tea I could care less if you think I got my knowledge from outside sources because in all honesty I did, we all did, we all at one point looked at our plants and said wtf and pulled out our phones to figure out what exactly we’re seeing, if not then idk props to you I bet you don’t go to collage to learn how to change your oil on your care you look for a tutorial on YouTube, but I just do happened you really enjoy cultivating and I want to get into the industry I do budget grows to learn and to enjoy, that’s it noting more nothing less I’m having success with mg so I wanted to share my experience and help the people who don’t want to spend a bunch of money to get the same result..
Your college forgot to teach you punctuation. Also how to absorb information from others even if it doesn’t agree with what you’re saying.
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ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
you said in an original post that the plants need lots of nitrogen in flower. When I stated that it's not true and counter productive (which any skilled grower here knows) you said you knew that already and I'm treating you like a dummy.... lol which is it?
I said you cant flush the plant ...only the soil. You said you knew that and are removing the salts from soil. Later a great grower says mg makes the plant taste horrible. You said even if I flush? Showing that you dont comprehend that when you flush you are flushing the soil not the plant. Plus flushing a time released soil that is chemical is about as hard as flushing organic time released.
You said you wont say what country your from even tho earlier you stated you are from the u.s.
Lots of contradictions. I'm not trying to be a total ass here. I'm trying to help teach you.

And btw as far as organics go...you got it alllllllll wrong dude! unlike synthetic ferts go... the soil feeds the plant exactly what it needs, making it ridiculously hard to over feed it. Most nutes in small form are available immediately and results can be seen just as fast.
Trust me.... my plants are not dying while they are waiting for my nutes to decay (current grow, single plant)Screenshot_20200625-112948_Gallery.jpg
People are legit trying to give you sound advice and help you. You are however all over the place with your answers and statements and acting like you know everything when in fact you have very very very much to learn.

And that is why I love this place is to help new growers learn what took me yrs of trials and errors.