I need help


I am new to this and have a couple of questions, Some of our seeds popped and so i put them in soil but no root developed. Can I take them out and try to germinate them in rockwool now??? And the other question is ..when transplanting the ones that have grown and have 2 sets of leaves, do I bury them about where they are or can I bury them up to their leaves like I do to tomato plants.


Active Member
You shouldn't plant them the second they pop, try to wait for them to grow to about a quarter of an inch (that's what I've done and has been successful most 9/10 times) I honestly wouldn't take them out, the plant is at a very fragile stage right now. How far down did you plant them? Maybe you packed the soil down too hard? Try to get some pics together to show us, would help out a lot more to answer your questions.


Well-Known Member
Nature wanted the seeds to drop on the ground and grow not be stuck in a towel or soaked in water... Plant them in your medium keep them slightly moist and give them a week or so to sprout... The slightest error with young seedlings can kill them before you even get the chance to put them in your medium. If your new to growing don't bother with pre-germination... You will have better success just planting them and letting them do what they do best.

You can burry them up to the cotyledon leaves. They grow very similar to tomato's. Also it's not a good idea to switch mediums...


i just barely planted under the soil and no I didn't pack the soil. I now know about the taproot. I have feminized seeds that someone gave me and I would like to not waste them but they just wont grow. I have read so many ways to do this I AM GETTING CONFUSED>>>>>soak them with paper towels, dont soak them. UGH<<<< which way is best? Dont cover them with plastic, do cover them so they stay moist. they need lots of water but dont water to much so they get a strong root.


I started them in cardboard egg cartons, and now some are tall some are short. I have to different strains and they are different sizes. when do you plant them in bigger pots?


Well-Known Member
Germ them then plant 1/2 inch down in solo cups. Up/down/side to side. The seed dosnt care. Let grow till roots real start coming out of the holes you put in the cups from the start. Then to 1 gallon pots. And you might be to erly on this but bottoming. Is great IMO. It's like topping but with the roots. After 2 weeks I cut the tap root. That makes 2. After 1 gallon pots going to bigger cut a X 1/2" deep then go into bigger pot. This will stress the plant out but once recovered watch the growth. It's increasable.


Get them now to bigger pots. So they start developing healthy roots.
Te soil should be rich in N for the vegetative period