I need help!


Ok so obviously I'm pretty new to growing, so to begin, I had some schwag seeds from a while ago, and would like to do my first grow and one plant only (For my own personal use, not for profit.) I have an idea on how to grow, but I'm still researching and watching alot of videos, so I can be semi-ready.

So I tried germinating two seeds with the paper towel method, and I've done everything correctly except that today (Day 2) I checked the two seeds and one of them the root berely peaked out and the the other one, it still looked the same :sad:. I'm a little worried but is this normal? Should I be a little more patient and wait two more days?



Active Member
It can take upto 2 weeks for a seed to germinate depending on the quality. I have had seeds that have taken litterally 2 weeks for a tap root to sprout - just be patient ~


Yes it can take a good while. I started 6 seeds and the last two took about a week to finish showing the smallest bit of root.


Well-Known Member
Be patient! It takes a LONG time to grow. but it is totally worth it. Occupy yourself with other activities while you are gorwing or you will go crazy! Trust me it makes it much more bearable when you have something else on your mind!