i need help !


Active Member
i need help with my plant its 5 weeks old and for some reason is all saging down my first idea was to limit waterings but it dosnt seem to be helping can anyone help me

there in soil and im giving them low nuts and there under cfl's



Active Member
to me it looks like either heat, or lack of oxygen in the dirt. but i haven't done too many Dirt grows, just Hydro


Well-Known Member
Plant on the right looks fine. The one on the left does not. Pick up the pot. Does it seem heavy or light? If it's heavy you have too much water. How's the drainage?
That looks like a two piece hydro pot. Make sure water is not accumulating in the lower pot.
If it's light start watering it.
Good luck.


Active Member
im curious. how often do you water?? and since they started to wilt how often do you water now?


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you 1 thing.

You need to fill the dirt up all the way to the top on the one in the green container. That one has A LOT of tap root exposed and when you fill it up, it will grow more branch roots.

Usually a plant has as much of a root system as it does leaf and flower showing. By not filling in the dirt, you are limiting the ammount of space that can root.

Also, how many CFL's do you have in there? It looks like it needs more light.


Active Member
i made the drain holes even bigger and i was watering them every 2 days or when the soil was dry when i put my finger in it and now well i wated i few days to les the plant drain out the extra water if there was some and then i flushed it and wated again for the soil to dry and now i water about every 2 or 3 days but less then before


Active Member
iv added a big fan to bring the temp down but it dosnt seem to be helping a lot mabe more time will help the temps are now around 26 celcius and 21 at night humidity is still 40% i dont know what else i can do any ideas ?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
im not going to take the time to convert the temp to fahrenheit but is that your plant in the avatar? if it is screw the charts keep doing what your doing it looks fine


Active Member
did your plants pick back up mine are doing the same thing just in the last 12 hrs. the soil was a little dry i water them daily im going to try transplaning if the dont perk up