I need help!

I had two BEAUTIFUL 8 foot plants. (Blue Mylk & Peanut Butter) Last night heavy winds came through and SNAPPED about two feet off the tops of both of them. They're in flower, but far from done. They're not totally detached, but very liitle is holding them on.I know the clock is ticking. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
Do you have some pics of the break - could be a good opportunity for plant bending - were the broken part grows horizontally.


Well-Known Member
Pics may help. I would splint the break popsicle stick works putting the branch back to the original position then tape it up. After that add some support as well.


Well-Known Member
Them Storms can be brutal on the plant. Good luck sucks when that happens.


Well-Known Member
when this happened to me once, the breakn mended it self with a massive knuckle, the stem grew sideways and the buds upright so kind of like plant bending, got some real nice buds of this one.

outside Dixie

Well-Known Member
Have had that happen i used small wire tie and a candle for wax on it after to seal it.Work's most of the time if not too bad broke
Thanks, Guys! I went right to work. I used a bamboo cane and gorilla tape. I’m going to have to defoliate in order to ease the weight on it, but thankful for your advice.
You might get away with it - Try taping up the break and using a bamboo cane for extra support, nature has a magic way sometimes.



Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine used to grind up some aloe plant and put that in the break, then duct tape. Late supercrop!
Do you have some pics of the break - could be a good opportunity for plant bending - were the broken part grows horizontally.
The breaks were critical. If not for Gorilla tape and bamboo poles, they wouldn't have survived. Thanks for your help.
Do you have some pics of the break - could be a good opportunity for plant bending - were the broken part grows horizontally.

