I need help with my closet set up pleassse


Well-Known Member
So i need some help with my grow area. i really dont know what to grow in. i ordered a secret jardin dark room 40 (DR40) and that is too big to fit in the closet. mainly because of the depth of it. so im guessing i need something that is roughly 12 to 13 inches in depth and about 3 to 3.5 feet tall. width isnt too much of an issue although i dont want it to be like 4 or 5 feet wide.

if anybody could help me out or has any suggestions i would greatly appreciate it. if at all possible it would be nice to be atleast semi stealthy. thanks in advance


New Member
ok u need to ask more specific ?
and dont triple post one threads enough
i will try to help


Well-Known Member
ummm ok guess i wont triple post again. but what kind of questions should i ask. i gave basically the dimensions on which i would be able to use. i just need something that will fit in my closet and i dont know what to use to grow in so im just trying to get some ideas. what more should i be specific about? or wat should i ask that would get me more helpful responses
Honestly u can build ur closet as a grow room. I will post pics of my closet and grow pretty soon. But I have 6 mil black and white plastic lining my room, t5 lighting putting ouout 20000 lumen, in a 2x4x4 closet. U can use ur tent for clones and vegggin or which eva way u prefer.


Well-Known Member
really since this is my first real grow i just want to grow one and be able to do it successfully and then go from there. i will most likely be using cfl's as im on a budget with all these damn car parts. right now i have 4 23 watt cfls at 5000k and like 2 27watt cfls at 6400k and i have one humongous 125 watt cfl but dont have a big enough socket for it right now and that is 6500k. soil wise i will buying some ffof when i get paid but currently have this crappy miracle gro organics choice soil. with the limited space i know heat can be an issue so thats another reason why im using cfls but i know if i use to many those cfls can get pretty warm too


Well-Known Member
pj i wont be able to use the entire closet as the grow room as it is also being used to store other stuff in and clothes on the other side


Active Member
Are you asking what kind of thing you should grow in, ie a tent that will fit in your space? If this is because you cannot dedicate 12 hours of uninterupted light in the flowering cycle to your closet then you might just want to try and make something yourself. If you can dedicate that 12 hours darkness and are fine with a bit of drilling in your door, then just water proof your floors and hang some mylar on the walls or something and make some venting holes in the door. I don't know of any made tent that will fit in that small space, sometimes once you go so small in those tents it's just not worth it anymore. If at all possible just make your closet into a veg space with florecents or cfl lights put in. That way you still have the tent for a bigger hotter light you can vent out and then you have a veg space that doesn't get hot enough to need venting, and is fine with any light cycle you need it to have.


New Member
if the 125 w cfl doesnt fit standard socket it is a mogul socket and needs a ballast so is unusable

if i was u i would build a crate grow room in closet and use the cfls u got some fans?

really since this is my first real grow i just want to grow one and be able to do it successfully and then go from there. i will most likely be using cfl's as im on a budget with all these damn car parts. right now i have 4 23 watt cfls at 5000k and like 2 27watt cfls at 6400k and i have one humongous 125 watt cfl but dont have a big enough socket for it right now and that is 6500k. soil wise i will buying some ffof when i get paid but currently have this crappy miracle gro organics choice soil. with the limited space i know heat can be an issue so thats another reason why im using cfls but i know if i use to many those cfls can get pretty warm too


Well-Known Member
gogo i completely understand and i know there arenttents that small im just getting ideas on what else i can grow in since i cant use the entire closet.


Well-Known Member
i could build a crate grow room. and no currently i dont have any type of fans. i was thinking of computer fans but honestly i dont know shit about electric and wouldnt know where to start or how to go about wiring them up


New Member
well dont worry about the electric i can help u with that
find u some 12 v chargers at a thrift store for the computer fans

i could build a crate grow room. and no currently i dont have any type of fans. i was thinking of computer fans but honestly i dont know shit about electric and wouldnt know where to start or how to go about wiring them up


Well-Known Member
lol sorry to sound dumb but exactly what is a 12v charger. i heard of people using like phone chargers and stuff. is that sort of what your referring to


New Member
no computer fans r 12v cell phones now use smaller chargers 5.3v it will spin it but not but half speed
u got to find ones that say output 12vdc

lol sorry to sound dumb but exactly what is a 12v charger. i heard of people using like phone chargers and stuff. is that sort of what your referring to
hey MR. Ganja u seemed very helpful to him so i have a few questions if u didnt mind answering them for me

i am curently using a 200w integral ballasted grow lamp and have it mounted to the top of my cupboard, currently i have the light dropped for now to ensure they get correct light, i have 9 plants in the base of my half cut cupboard(meaning i have one side for plants one side for clothes)but am currently dropping that number so i an spread my plants out more. they are getting too tall for me in the area i have them in and have allready tipped my plants once to slow the height down but they are still shooting up strong, i need any info u can give me on how to slow the heightening and increase folier spreading

should i tip them again, start lst or supercropping or just simply start 12/12 timing


New Member
I am so fucked up will have to try to see if i can read this in the am it is all blurry

hey MR. Ganja u seemed very helpful to him so i have a few questions if u didnt mind answering them for me

i am curently using a 200w integral ballasted grow lamp and have it mounted to the top of my cupboard, currently i have the light dropped for now to ensure they get correct light, i have 9 plants in the base of my half cut cupboard(meaning i have one side for plants one side for clothes)but am currently dropping that number so i an spread my plants out more. they are getting too tall for me in the area i have them in and have allready tipped my plants once to slow the height down but they are still shooting up strong, i need any info u can give me on how to slow the heightening and increase folier spreading

should i tip them again, start lst or supercropping or just simply start 12/12 timing


New Member
And btw it is not mr ganga it is mr fab

hey mr. Ganja u seemed very helpful to him so i have a few questions if u didnt mind answering them for me

i am curently using a 200w integral ballasted grow lamp and have it mounted to the top of my cupboard, currently i have the light dropped for now to ensure they get correct light, i have 9 plants in the base of my half cut cupboard(meaning i have one side for plants one side for clothes)but am currently dropping that number so i an spread my plants out more. They are getting too tall for me in the area i have them in and have allready tipped my plants once to slow the height down but they are still shooting up strong, i need any info u can give me on how to slow the heightening and increase folier spreading

should i tip them again, start lst or supercropping or just simply start 12/12 timing


New Member
u got to many and never heard of a 200w

hey MR. Ganja u seemed very helpful to him so i have a few questions if u didnt mind answering them for me

i am curently using a 200w integral ballasted grow lamp and have it mounted to the top of my cupboard, currently i have the light dropped for now to ensure they get correct light, i have 9 plants in the base of my half cut cupboard(meaning i have one side for plants one side for clothes)but am currently dropping that number so i an spread my plants out more. they are getting too tall for me in the area i have them in and have allready tipped my plants once to slow the height down but they are still shooting up strong, i need any info u can give me on how to slow the heightening and increase folier spreading

should i tip them again, start lst or supercropping or just simply start 12/12 timing