I need help wiring bathroom fan


My problem is which wire do I connect where?
I have the blue(neutral) and brown (live) wire hooked up to a plug but which wire do I connect the blue/brown wires to in the extractor itself? In the fan itself one of the wires is blue the other is black. So do I go blue to blue and brown to black or do I go blue to black and brown to blue?

I have attached photos of my problem. I have bought wire, a plug and 100mm axial wall extractor fan. I have wired the plug, except for the earth as the fan is double insulated and it's not needed(I think). I'm a complete n00b at wiring (first time wiring even a plug)and this is my first grow also so I added a photo of the youngin's I'm trying to keep cool :)

Feel free to comment on my grow and more than free to solve my quandering, I have searched the net for too long for answer and circuitry diagrams have given me a headache.:cry:



Well-Known Member
I don't think it matters to be honest. Now don't quote me on this but I believe if you hook up a fan backwards it just blows backwards.

I haven't tried it though so I can't be positive.


Active Member
Aha! European 220v plug! Sorry... I can't help. I've only wired in the US and I have no idea if european wiring is the same.

I can say though, yes you should connect the bare wire "earth", or ANY ground for that matter. Always connect it. It's very easy and could save your life. And in the US, Black is hot (live) white is nuetral (ground) and bare is also ground. So if this was being wired in the US; acording to our standards, blue would go to white (neutral), and brown would go to black (live).

I hope this helps you somewhat. Good luck!


Ok that worked excellent problem solved and it's even blowing the right way, another touch on my room :)

thanks guys but it seems this time, at least, guess work and very little regard for personal safety prevailed