I need help transplanting please!

This is my first grow and i hadnt read into growing until a few weeks ago and i read that i should avoind Miracle Grow at all costs. But i had already planted my plant in MG.is there any way i can transplant it out of MG and into Fox Farms without killing my plant? THANKS


yes you can, while MG isnt optimal for growth if they arent showing any signs of stress i wouldnt worry about it, your going to do more harm transplanting the thing than just leaving it be in the soil, just wait until it needs to be tranplanted when it gets bigger or if everything is fine (leaves are green and show no sign of stress or burn or deficiency) then just leave it be...dont mess with success


Well-Known Member
mg usually has more issues n flowerr as soil is still nitrogen rich. just go to youtube theres plenty of good vids on transplanting. once u get the idea put that girl in some more suitable soil
Ive read that you are supposed to transplant it towards the end of day light so that it has time to recover from shock before the next time it recives heat and sunlight.