I need Help right here How to transfer my Seedlings


Active Member
Well your fist mistake was putting multiple seeds into one container. The second problem is that some of those already look fairly large. You might already have the roots starting to knot up with each other. The only thing that you can do is try to carefully separate each one. You should be ok. Just try not to break the roots. Dig them out one by one and put them into there own containers.


Active Member
Next time try sprouting the seeds in a wet paper towel. All you have to do is wrap the seeds in a wet paper towel and put them in a dark warm spot.
Ya.. It was my first time i made a big mistake ..

Hmm i tried one already last night maybe i do it wrong...

But the one i transfer died today.. :(


Active Member
Yeah those roots are really sensitive at this age. Its not like older plants where there are lots of roots so if you damage one thats all it has. It looks like you have quite a few. just keep trying the others. Try not to touch the roots with your hands. And if you must touch them make sure your hands are clean.
Ok.. I try this early morning... :D

Thank you for helping me..

Anyway, I only use 10W Lamp...
What W should i use?

Yes i have alot of Seeds cuz its so cheap here in my place..


Active Member
You need a lot more light than that. The amount of light you want to use depends on how large your grow area is. I have a 400 watt metal halide/ high pressure sodium in a 3 1/2' x 5' area. I would not recommended anything smaller than this.