i need help on how to change ph


Active Member
how do u change the ph levels i need to go higher the plant is real acidy what do i add to it to make it higher and where do i buy it at


Well-Known Member
hey Walmart Aquarium section.. square box with 3 bottles inside.. simple.. read directions.


Elite Rolling Society
I 'll try to answer, and I just bet someone can or will add to it. Be careful who you listen to, I am not smart about everything about growing, but I do know this system. I am answering about useing the Stealth Hydro Bubblponics System. I assure you that no other system can achieve such rapid growth! You should subscibe to their NewsLetter. And they are very helpful to answer questions too. I help write the newsletter for them.
To start with, what kind of seeds are you useing? Try to either purchase some hybrid indica seed off of the internet, or try to find some from another grower. If you can not do that, maybe you can find a bag of sensimillia that had only a few seeds. You want seed that will produce 100% females, if at all possible. With this system, you are going to try to grow a "sea of green" if you ahve all females.
You can google "sea of green, growing marjuana" to learn more. Basically this is a way of growing small short plants and continually harvesting buds. If you start with just any old seed from commercial pot, you are going to have 2 to 4 females or 2 to 4 males, and the remainder will be the opposite. It just depends on a lot of circumstances. If you start with cuttings (clones) you can get 100% females or if you start with seed that is 2nd generation from females, you can get all females.
If you use just any seed, you will toss the males, leaving more room, and will want and can larger plants.
To get a fast start, you can put the seed in wet paper towels while you are setting up the system. You'll want to put the wet paper towel on a plate, fold it over covering the seed, make sure it is very wet,and then place a bowl upside down over the seed to make sure they are kept in the dark. The only problem doing it that way is the sprouts are very delicate and you will need some tweezers to put them in the rockwool cubes. YES, you can simply directly put the seed in the cubes to start with and that is faster and easier.
Let's start at the beginning. Try to use a secluded closet, with the wooden dowel or long rod overhead that you hang clothes on. You will need to get a thick rope or some thin chain, to hang your lights on. If you have the two lights, get two lenghts of chain, (or rope) and make a three foot long loop. Rinse out the tank with clean water. Try to find a small box, table or something like a large ice chest to put your tank on INSTEAD OF RIGHT ON THE FLOOR.. Be soaking your airstone in clean water, soak it over an hour or two. Let me know what kind of door is on your closet, solid, or louvered, and let me know which lights you bought. Those DUAL Spectrum II lights are the very best. Take your rocks and put them in a large strainer or collander, and rinse them, and rinse them again, to get the dust off. Ignore the instructions that came with them about useing the pumped water to rinse them, that is too much trouble. Just rinse them first in a bowl.
Get your tank and lights in place, and then take one of the cups, and fill it 2 and a half inches deep with the rocks. Then put your cube in it, (take the plastic off the cube), and do not squeeze the cubes. Put one seed in the center of the cube, and put the cube in the cup, and put the rocks all around the cube. Do the 6 cups and put them in the lid,then put about a half inch of rocks on top of each cup, leaving the cube uncovered. The top of the cube should be a little less than even with the top of the cup, or sitting an HALF inch lower than the top. Fill the tank with 5 gallons of the best water you can find, anything but city water. Use warm, room temp water. NOT HOT!(I use well water cause it is free) Now set the lid on the tank, and raise one side to see in , and make sure everything is connected good. Learn to use your hands and not your eyes to check the connections. The "hub" has to be connected to the underwater submersive pump. The end of each tube is inserted into the top holes of the cup. You should run one inch of tube into the cup, right up to the cube, touching it. You can start at the very beginning with the 6 cups in the lid, EVERYTHING CONNECTED, then load the cups.
I bought some large fishing weights for 82 cents and used fishing line to tie them to the air stone so it would stay in one place on the bottom and not float up.
Now go get a one gallon jug, and mix half the GROW nutes in it, and half the micro nutes, in warm water and stir it and stir it. Drain it through a tea strainer to catch any undisolved little rocks or clumps. Now pour some of it into each cup or cube, just enough to wet the cubes. If you over soak them, they can possible colapse and you don't want that now. If they colapse later,that is OK. Now find 6 large styrafoam cups, or 6 small strafoam saucers are better. Paper plates or disposable plastic plates will do. I use the saucers. I cut the bottoms out of the saucers, making a 4 inch disc or leaving them 4 inches in diameter. I cut a one inch hole in the center of each. I put one on each cup. They hold the moisture in the rocks and they block the light from the seed. DO NOT TURN THE LIGHTS ON YET. Turn it all on, leaving it in the dark, with the pump pumping the water to each cube, and the air stone bubbling and wait 4 to 6 days and you should see sprouts coming up. DO NOTHING DURING THOSE DAYS YOU ARE WAITING TO SEE THE SPROUTS. Have two or 3 extra seeds still in the wet paper towels, in case one of the seeds int he cups do not sprout. Then you can put that sprout in the cube. As soon as you see any sprout coming up, turn the lights on. With the dual Spectrum lights, you can and should place them 2 or 3 inches above the plants. They do not put out any heat and the closer they are to the plant, the better. IF you place the lights 2 inches over the plants, you will have to raise them twice a day, due to the rapid growth.
Let me know when you get all of that done. Let me know which lights you bought, what kind of room or closet you have, what kinds of doors, and if you got the bubblponics system. I can help you much more with that info.
Good Luck and I'll teel you more as you grow. In 8 weeks, you can be harvesting buds!


Elite Rolling Society
You do not add the other half of GROW and MICRO nutes until after you see sprouts two inches high. By then, they can handle the additional nutes, and your water level will be down half a gallon and you can add the other half of the nutes. Get ready to see a miracle. You can expect two to 4 inches of growth every day, after they are two inches tall. The stalk or trunks will be strong and stout,they will not lean over. i'll help you more when you let me know what stage your plants are at.


Elite Rolling Society
so Panda bear, get started. I just bet you do get 100% females from those seed, and you can expect much MUCH faster growth.
Where are you at, what stage, in getting ready? Let me know what point you are at and I can guide you through it all. Are you growing in a closet? what kind of door, solid or louvered? If solid, is it in an empty room so you can keept he door cracked? Or is it a folding louvered door?


Elite Rolling Society
I was asking about the door to talk to you about Humidity. If you have a solid door and ahve to keep it closed all the time, then be hunting a small cheap fan....cheapest you can find.
This last batch I am in the middle of, I started from seed, seed I got out of a bag of hydroponic homegrown sensi skunk weed. 100% indica. in the whole oz was 9 seeds, fat little buggers. STINK,,,,ohhh, wee,,did it ever stink.!! when i switched over from GROW to BLOOM, it changed into a nice flower smelling fragrant smell....like a spring bouquet. I accidently killed one of my plants messing with the PH, when it was 2 weeks old, so i really have 5. 3 in one tank, and two transplants in the other tank. I almost killed them all, but only one died and the other 5 snapped back within a day or two, after I drained the tank and started all over.
did I tell you that I write the newsletter at Stealth-Hydro. Email them and ask for a copy.


Elite Rolling Society
Go to the GROW ROOM setup page to see my new pics of my little girls, look under R for Roseman