I need help making my carbon filter!!!!

Panda Bear

Okay so I Wanted to try to mAke my carbon filter out of the two pencil cup holders but I can't find a big cup and little cup.I could only find a medium size cup. Any ideas to improvise the other cup for?


I don't know why I had to sound like such a dick earlier, but window screen could be like $4.00 or something. (don't get the whole screen for the window, just the screen stuff.)

P.S. It would be very helpful for you to list how much space (cubic feet <- Americans call it that) and airflow you got going <-Fans and what not.


Well-Known Member
The carbon filter can make the differance between prison or freedom ffs buy one dude.......tyke/.....................................................

Panda Bear

Well it's a pc box so a lil over a foot high and a foot long. So not too big and I got intake and out take fans this is for One plant though and haha I think ur a nice person :)