I NEED HELP FAST! Please, I messed up!


I have plants in my flower that range from 1 week to 5 weeks. Last night the lights were turned off for 2 hours and then they were turned off on accident... This morning i showed up to turn them off and they were already off... So i turned the lights on (opposite of their regular schedule thinking that more than 24 hours of darkness would be more stress than just turning the lights on for the 12/12 cycle. What should I do? Should I turn the lights back off and revert to the old 12/12 schedule? Will everything hermaph or only the plants that are 4-5 weeks in? Should I slowly work back to the old light schedule? As of 10pm eastern time this morning the lights have been on for 1 hour... if this helps anybody. please give me feedback!!! I could do a 6 hour on, 6 hour off, then 12 on, 12 off and get them back to their regular schedule? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!


Well-Known Member
Always stick with the schedule u started with your "dawn" should never change . You should buy a timer to avoid this just get them back on there original schedule you should be fine .


so should i leave the lights on for 24 hours then to get them back to their original schedule?? or just turn them off now and wait to turn them back on tonight?


well im turning the lights off and going to turn them back on tonight... hopefully the two 1 hours of light in the past 24 hours don't stress them out to much... but im freaking out haha who wouldnt be?!


Well-Known Member
just switch them back soon as mate, should be ok , you get problems when plants start to reveg but that takes a few days to occur normally... good luck