I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant


Global Moderator
Staff member
Lay out all the info you have concerning what you are doing.
Indoor/out (if indoor, lighting details) ?
What type of water/nutes you are using ?
Soil/amendments ?
We'll see where we go from there but from the looks of the pics so far it's pretty happy.


Well-Known Member
from pics looks about 3-5 weeks old. looks to be doing really good. by the pics i would say it outside which means its in veg. flowering happens during fall or when you switch lights to 12/12


Thanks for the response, I used MG potting mix to start, regular water nothing extra exept some of my urine a few time( I saw it on the internet says its great fertilizer) and its outdoor only, Its on my top proch so its in the sun form the time it comes up until about 6/7pm and its facing south so it gets alot of breeze. It grew so fast bu I dont know where to go from here. I did top off I will submit photos, will that put her in distress? when will I know what sex it is? hoping for a female:eyesmoke:


You are good! Yes it is a outdoor plant,I though about bringing it indoors but wasnt sure if that will change things. I planted about a mont or so ago so oyu are right on with the time frame, was that too late? I live up north in and we get very cold winters, will my plant last after the summer over. If I wanted to start the flowering process early, can I keep the plant in the sun for 12 hours(outside) and then bring it in the dark for 12 hours(inside)?


Well-Known Member
You can bring it inside and put it in the dark to flower it, but it may do fine on its own outdoors and it will definitely get bigger outside. When is the average first frost in your area? Also, it looks like it has a lot of indica influence. It will probably be a fairly fast finisher.


Well-Known Member
Plant looks to be around 4 weeks in dirt. Now I would give a good veg nute, I use 24-8-16 from WalMart, for
a couple more weeks. Flush, then flower.



Active Member
I would not top . If your new to this just squish the stem between your fingers crunch then the other way crunch and fold it over a bit . The plant will act like it's topped but instead you have not opened it up to infestation by bugs . Look to be nice and dark green keep em that way . if they lighten up in color start up your N a little . They look to be fine now though .


New Member
I would not top . If your new to this just squish the stem between your fingers crunch then the other way crunch and fold it over a bit . The plant will act like it's topped but instead you have not opened it up to infestation by bugs . Look to be nice and dark green keep em that way . if they lighten up in color start up your N a little . They look to be fine now though .
which means pee on it more lol


Well-Known Member
What?! Topping is singularly the simplest thing you can do to a plant...anytime---anytime you remove the topmost growth of any branching plant the plant will grow 2 "tops" to make up for the one that was removed...


If I used MG potting mix with MG plant food slow release automatically in it do I have to add more plant food or fertilizer? It says it feed plants up to six months? Is that true? Have anyone used it before? Its what I originally started with


New Member
What?! Topping is singularly the simplest thing you can do to a plant...anytime---anytime you remove the topmost growth of any branching plant the plant will grow 2 "tops" to make up for the one that was removed...
yep so much on internet to showing right way to do it as for stalk being exposed i always just take a some rooting powder on a razor and dump it on the wound
i dont know if it helps but it doesnts hurt lol


New Member
If I used MG potting mix with MG plant food slow release automatically in it do I have to add more plant food or fertilizer? It says it feed plants up to six months? Is that true? Have anyone used it before? Its what I originally started with
i used it before as has most begining growers but problem with it is u cant control amount released and then if u add additional nutes u can burn them
i like to be in control of how much nutes my plant gets so i use soil that has no nutes except what i add and it is really simple to mix your own soil


@FAB ok i see, im am so lost, I tried topping it and the area where i topped turned black!!! The new node leaves or whatever has grown in the last 2 days but it lookd like it has slowed down, it was growing about an inch a day! Its about 12 inches when i measured it last I just dont know what flowering nutes to buy or whan its supposed to start . I live in the midwest(WI) so its starst to get cold fast, our first frost wil be in Oct. Will my plant last, what whould I do? (sory for all the typos, im rolling and typing lol)


New Member
@FAB ok i see, im am so lost, I tried topping it and the area where i topped turned black!!! The new node leaves or whatever has grown in the last 2 days but it lookd like it has slowed down, it was growing about an inch a day! Its about 12 inches when i measured it last I just dont know what flowering nutes to buy or whan its supposed to start . I live in the midwest(WI) so its starst to get cold fast, our first frost wil be in Oct. Will my plant last, what whould I do? (sory for all the typos, im rolling and typing lol)

u want something like 15-3015 for flower
sorry bro i cant help u much more
im leaving here but u can look at my friends list and contact doc or dsb and some of the others they can help u out