i need help bad!!!


ok so i started to grow my frist grow.. right now i have 3 and i am having a problem with 2 of them and i figure out what worng. im using the soil grow method. i keep the plants under 3 42watt compact flouro. with 2 20watt fluro tube lights. on a 24/7 light cycle.. and i keep the room temp at 78F... ok the problem.. when the plants first sprouted they looked great.. but with in the last day the stems haved turned a pinkish red color.. and i dont know what i have done wrong to make this happen so if someone can let me know y this has happend so i can get it fixt right away that would be a big help. :wall:



Well-Known Member
When asking for help on a visual problem you need to include a visual. It wastes people's time when you don't provide the information needed for an answer. When you see threads sticky'd like BEFORE YOU POST. . . . Please read the guidelines on posting, give us some pics, and we'll try to help get those babies of yours well on their way to a happy life.


Well-Known Member
ok so i started to grow my frist grow.. right now i have 3 and i am having a problem with 2 of them and i figure out what worng. im using the soil grow method. i keep the plants under 3 42watt compact flouro. with 2 20watt fluro tube lights. on a 24/7 light cycle.. and i keep the room temp at 78F... ok the problem.. when the plants first sprouted they looked great.. but with in the last day the stems haved turned a pinkish red color.. and i dont know what i have done wrong to make this happen so if someone can let me know y this has happend so i can get it fixt right away that would be a big help. :wall:
red stems especially when seedlings is perfectly normal i wouldnt worry about that. how close are your lights to plant? it looks like you should put them a bit closer maybe


Hi I have almost the same thing going on however on one of my little girls I see some hairs on the steam is this normal as well ? Sorry to post on ur tread but This is m y first post and im still finding my way around.. Any help would be great