I need help about cfls


Well-Known Member
judging by the tips of those leaves, he is overfeeding the plants by 10% or so. cut back on the feeding about 10%
so i doubt its really yellow, looks pale green, as some strains are and then a weak 2700k light shining on it making it yellowish.

looks like you have allright soil, though they look kinda weak, id get better soil next time, get the best you can, dont skimp on that part. you wont need to feed much then either.

you need more light, specially for the big ones, they look like barely a week old plants and you say they are month old?
they are fairly healthy though, good job on that.

what the guys recommended about buying lights, is spot on. you will get nothing out of this with the light you got. i recommend at least 23w cfls and if so small then at least 4 of those per plant.

have as many cfls as you can hanging vertically between the plants, that way you use the whole cfl.

id veg for another month (keep the plant in 18-24 hour light)

the good news about cfls, is that if you got good soil and enough of the cfls, you will get high grade mj (if its a good strain too)
just not as much of it as under hps.

cfls have their place though and are either a good start and can be used later as veglights or even adequite for the small smoker.

keep the cfls close, an inch or 2 away (3-6 inches away if you got a lot of them together, that way the light can intersect and strengthen eachother)

use reflectors on the side away from the plant, 1/2 liter coke cans make fine reflectors for small cfls. just cut off half.