i need advice


New Member
This is my first post but I'm not new I've learned a lot from here so I know you guys can help me out.

This will be my first large grow I have a 2 bedroom house I just bought 8 600watt hps lights a window unit carbon filters and ducting. I want to put 4 lights in each room and do a sog style but I'm not sure how to do the ventilation or if I need to upgrade the electric?


Well-Known Member
how big are the bedrooms? honestly if your using 2 bedrooms i would split one in half, and use it for veg/clones/moms and use the other room for flowering...

or use tents... use one tent for veg/clones/moms and get several others for flowering and put plants in each one every so often so you get a harvest every 2 or 3 weeks...


Well-Known Member
split both in half

use one as mother /veg room............other as flowering /dry cure room

u always forget about the cure until it is time and then u get a humity in the 80s for 4 days in a row.............build it now set up right and do not worry about it later

4 600 watts are going to make alot of heat do u have ac units cooling the room
can u drawl us a rough picture of how u have it set up ( where lights hang..... venting path.... windows and doors ) and measurements too please

the venting is all done on numbers and what kind of system u use ( u have 4 lights in each room .....are they cooltube /air hoods/open wings)
well, to help you with electrical real quick, most bedrooms will be on circuits allowing 10-20 Amps of power so if you are using the 120V outlets in the room that will equal 24 amps for 4 600w lights ie too much just on lights! to get around this problem some people run extension cords from other rooms to help. look on your breaker box to see how many amps are going to each room. 220v is really the way to go simply because it lowers the amps required by half, ie 12 amps for 4 600w lights, but will require some know how to wire it to a normal bedroom. clothing dryer outlets and oven outlets are typically 220v and at 30amps for the dryer and 40 amps for the oven you could run all lights on either one and the fans and stuff on the bedroom power, and there are prefabbed breakers for sale to help as well. i got mine from this guy http://www.dxhydro.com/ .