i need advice on how to lower the pH in my coco grow - Jack herer


how do i do this?, if you know please help, i dont wanna harm my girls so any help greatly appreciated :bigjoint: my ph is around seven , am i right to think it should be 5.7-6.3? i think i have to reduce it gradualy....


Active Member
Your thinking is correct. Just start adjusting your waters ph down to 6.....................You should be right on in a few waterings.
peace B


Active Member
Either ph up and ph down will do it best £7 each for a 1 litre bottle and you only need a drop to do the trick, or if money is an issue i think bicarb will make it go up and lemon juice will make it go down. But ph up and ph down are better for your plants. Hope this helps.


thanks for your help guys. i got some pH up n down so that is sorted now. just cant wat to smoke um, they have been flowering for a month and a half and the buds are getting bigger, there is shit loads of the white hairs on the buds, now i'm just wwaiting for the little fake seed pods to fill up and swell more ( alot more i hope) anyone grown these how much longer do you think they'll take? i took pics few weeks ago but came out crap cos of the light but might try and do it again..............peace