I need advice fast.


New Member
You had a panic attack. I've had a bunch of them. The good news is you can't die from a panic attack.

I can't believe you found jesus. Everyone I know finds him in jail or prison. I thought that was were he spent all his time.

If you learned anything from Vampire stories is that they can't come in unless you invite them. Vampires = ruthless blood suckers / Cops = ruthless bloodsuckers. See the comparison?

Where I live if there is a 911 call and you don't stay on the line they call you back, they don't just show up. Did your phone ring or anything?


Well-Known Member
Some good advice ... Best things I've heard are:

- Get attorney
- Get transcript (police record)
- Check if the pigmans reason for being at your house is true (if it's not, all physical evidence must be voided as it was illegally obtained)

Mostly speak to an attorney who deals with these sorts of cases, and ask about your rights, coz sounds to me like this pig was up to those sneaking bullshit tactics they try to pull on young and unsuspecting civilians, but if you call them on it, they've fucked up.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe you found jesus. Everyone I know finds him in jail or prison. I thought that was were he spent all his time.
LOL. I haven't heard that in a long time....It is so true!

You are so right about the 911 call, they ALWAYS call back when there is a hang up. I think the transcripts will show this and this guy will have all of his charges dropped. It is a shame that he has been put through hell over it.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, one of my mates went from fully against religion, to being a church going christian after 4 months in prison ... Must be the favourite place for Jesus to hang ... Other than the cross


Well-Known Member
Are we telling religious jokes now? Aiite.

What's the difference between jesus and a picture of jesus?

It only takes one nail to hang the picture.


Active Member
Hey guys, thanks for all of your help and advice.

Couple questions...

The cop said he was in response to a 911 call, but I was the only one awake in my house. I had tried to get on the internet about a half hour earlier and was unsuccessful, I have only dial-up and my phone line was acting up due to a recent storm. The cop said that he was in response to a 911 call, which I didnt make, came to the door and rang the door bell. He saw me through my front door so I figured I had to answer it. I never said that he could come in, I even asked him if he had a warrant. He told me he didnt care if I had a little pot, but as soon as I said ok I have pot, he walked in. Then when he got in he said if you have plants growing, its a different story, and since he was already in my home, I figured Im fucked and he could read it on my face. So then he says, take me to the plants... which I did and then I was arrested.

My question is, what is considered an illegal search and seizure?

And, I spoke to an attourney, who said that the cop did what is called a knock and talk which means that the 911 call was a cover up for the real reason he was there, just to get me to say something about it. My attourney said that this is legal, and that cops have the right to lie to you as an investigative technique. Is that legal? Can a cop lie to you to get information from you.

Also, about my post on my heart attack. You guys are probably right, I had a panic attack... but it was scary as shit. My heart was physically beating faster, and my body shivered uncontrollably. When I said I found Jesus, I didnt mean that I started believing in the Bible. I just gained more respect for life... being as young as I am, that WAS the most scared for my life that I have ever been. It seemed worse because I have had a ton of bad luck in my life lately and my stress levels are up.

Heres what I mean..

1 year ago, I had never smoked even a cigarrette and I was in great physical shape. I was in college, and working at a gas station with my mother as my manager.

August of 2007, the gas station I was working at got robbed by gunpoint at 2:30pm. I was late for work, I should have been there at 2. My mom was there with 1 other employee... My mom was fired as a result of the robbery, the thiefs broke into the office and took it from her while she was counting the daily safe drops. So my mom lost her job at no fault of her own.

The next day, I was fired for being late.

I went on unemployment soon after and was unable to find a job for a while.

I found pot in October of 2007, fell in love with it and started smoking more and more, til it became a daily event. Pot kept me from finding a job even more. I played alot of poker and made money that way.

Time goes by, the day after my 13 year old brothers birthday, and valentines day.. my mom gets a phone call from the city of St. Louis police department saying that they found my dad laying dead in his truck parked in front of a church. He was in the passenger seat. Cause of death was hypothermia. How did this happen? My family doesnt know. What we do know is that he had his valuables stolen, including his cell phone. I placed a call several days later to his stolen cell phone and some foreign fuck answers the phone and says "you can have your phone back when I get my 100$"

So, my dad was murdered over 100$ dollars. This devostated me and my family, and I turned to pot even more. I drowned out my sorrows by sitting in my room and smoking all day long. I started growing pot shortly afterwards to avoid the price of the pot.

In the past three days, I have been busted for growing, and charged with a class B felony, my 13 year old brother fell off of a trampoline and landed into a bonfire pit and suffered third degree burns on his arms. My mom has no medical insurance. My 20 year old brother had a huge tree fall completely on his car and smash it. His insurance will not cover it.

I have a few other things on my mind, but this is what mainly caused my panic attack.

So... FUCK. my life blows.. good thing im incredibly good looking.


Well-Known Member
Jesus does not spend ALL his time in prison...it's 50/50....prison/foxhole.
Just trying to lighten things up here. Boy's got a PROBLEM!
If Jesus helps.. go with Him

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Pardon me if i sound harsh. But oh, for fuck's sake.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I live in [or close to] St Louis, Mo... I spoke with a lawyer personally yesterday and he says that givin my circumstances, I'll most likely be givin like 5 years felony probation. Meaning if I fuck up in 5 years, then Im going to be in jail instead for 5 years.

Well, last night, I went home... had a buddy come over and we smoked a blunt of KB in my driveway... and something happened to me that is going to change my life forever... please read.

My paranoia started to hit me as soon as the high kicked in, and it was bad this time... instead of thinking about the normal shit that I do when I am high, I could not stop focusing on the fact that my heart was beating abnormally fast. It was beating fast, its not that I THOUGHT it was, it was beating so hard that I could feel each pump in my veins. Then I made the mistake of thinking that I may be having a heart attack, Im only 22 so I didnt think this was possible.

Can you imagine being high, and literally having a heart attack? It seemed as if I were more conscious of it and only making it worse with my extreme paranoia.

I honestly, thought I was going to die right here in my room. I thought how shitty this was going to be for the people I left behind. My mom was going to find me in bed dead the next morning and I started to cry thinking about it. My girlfriend who has stuck by my side through thick and thin and who I love more than anything, will be devostated.

I found myself laying in bed sweating, shaking, and literally fearing for my life... when I said outloud to myself a prayer to my recently deceased father, I said, if you can hear me, please help me, I dont want to die.. I need to stay here.

Thats when it happened, I found Jesus last night. Heres what I mean. I kept thinking that If I were really having a heart attack I need to calm down and let my heart rest. So I tried to find a position that would calm me down, the only position that worked was on my back looking upwards with my legs crossed for warmth, arms out for circulation and I had to take all the weight off of my heart so I didnt drown my heart in my own blood. The position I found myself was the same position that Jesus lay nailed to the cross.

I almost died last night, for real. Heart attack is a major threat in my country and im not sure of the stats but I know it kills alot. Thats why Im quitting smoking for good.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear about all of your bad luck...when it rains it pours.
Hey guys, thanks for all of your help and advice.

Couple questions...

The cop said he was in response to a 911 call, but I was the only one awake in my house. I had tried to get on the internet about a half hour earlier and was unsuccessful, I have only dial-up and my phone line was acting up due to a recent storm. The cop said that he was in response to a 911 call, which I didnt make, came to the door and rang the door bell. He saw me through my front door so I figured I had to answer it. I never said that he could come in, I even asked him if he had a warrant. He told me he didnt care if I had a little pot, but as soon as I said ok I have pot, he walked in. Then when he got in he said if you have plants growing, its a different story, and since he was already in my home, I figured Im fucked and he could read it on my face. So then he says, take me to the plants... which I did and then I was arrested.

My question is, what is considered an illegal search and seizure?

And, I spoke to an attourney, who said that the cop did what is called a knock and talk which means that the 911 call was a cover up for the real reason he was there, just to get me to say something about it. My attourney said that this is legal, and that cops have the right to lie to you as an investigative technique. Is that legal? Can a cop lie to you to get information from you.

Also, about my post on my heart attack. You guys are probably right, I had a panic attack... but it was scary as shit. My heart was physically beating faster, and my body shivered uncontrollably. When I said I found Jesus, I didnt mean that I started believing in the Bible. I just gained more respect for life... being as young as I am, that WAS the most scared for my life that I have ever been. It seemed worse because I have had a ton of bad luck in my life lately and my stress levels are up.

Heres what I mean..

1 year ago, I had never smoked even a cigarrette and I was in great physical shape. I was in college, and working at a gas station with my mother as my manager.

August of 2007, the gas station I was working at got robbed by gunpoint at 2:30pm. I was late for work, I should have been there at 2. My mom was there with 1 other employee... My mom was fired as a result of the robbery, the thiefs broke into the office and took it from her while she was counting the daily safe drops. So my mom lost her job at no fault of her own.

The next day, I was fired for being late.

I went on unemployment soon after and was unable to find a job for a while.

I found pot in October of 2007, fell in love with it and started smoking more and more, til it became a daily event. Pot kept me from finding a job even more. I played alot of poker and made money that way.

Time goes by, the day after my 13 year old brothers birthday, and valentines day.. my mom gets a phone call from the city of St. Louis police department saying that they found my dad laying dead in his truck parked in front of a church. He was in the passenger seat. Cause of death was hypothermia. How did this happen? My family doesnt know. What we do know is that he had his valuables stolen, including his cell phone. I placed a call several days later to his stolen cell phone and some foreign fuck answers the phone and says "you can have your phone back when I get my 100$"

So, my dad was murdered over 100$ dollars. This devostated me and my family, and I turned to pot even more. I drowned out my sorrows by sitting in my room and smoking all day long. I started growing pot shortly afterwards to avoid the price of the pot.

In the past three days, I have been busted for growing, and charged with a class B felony, my 13 year old brother fell off of a trampoline and landed into a bonfire pit and suffered third degree burns on his arms. My mom has no medical insurance. My 20 year old brother had a huge tree fall completely on his car and smash it. His insurance will not cover it.

I have a few other things on my mind, but this is what mainly caused my panic attack.

So... FUCK. my life blows.. good thing im incredibly good looking.


Active Member
Move to South Africa we dont have any of the shit like this. We have bigger problems than the cops busting people for weed. Unlucky and good luck luck !



Well-Known Member
My question is, what is considered an illegal search and seizure?
What you are describing is illegal search and seizure. With all due respect, your lawyer is an IDIOT. If a police office comes to your home on the pretense of a 911 call, that is what he is there for...nothing else. If this cop comes across any other illegal activities while there for the initial reason, then yes he can use it. If the initial reason he is there is a LIE then it makes everything in-immiscible. If he is there for the initial reason (the 911 call) and lies to you about something else, yes he can do that. The bottom line is that this cop has to have a legitimate reason for being there in the first place. This cop told you that it was for a 911 call placed from your home, NO, he cannot lie to you about that.
Get a different attorney and fight this.


New Member
Sounds to me like you are depressed. You've had a lot of really bad shit happen to you in a short time span. I've been depressed my whole life and pot helps with it more then my DR prescribed antidepressants.

Go watch this video at youtube. It's a little long but OMG you will be so glad you did. YouTube - Don't Talk to Cops, Part 1

I mean it, if you haven't watched it, go do it now , everyone.


Active Member
Dude I am really sorry to hear about all your shit but I can tell you this .. There are a million other people out there who would give there left arm to have your situation. Things will get better and stay in contact with the big man upstairs!! Oh and start going to gym. Being an active weed smoker will help you feel better as well. Trust the Trix !!



Well-Known Member
you are fucked dummy....but....I, as an old psychology major, got a fuckin kick out of this thread. BTW...You are an ass for growing in your moms house....I have my fingers crossed for her she doesnt lose it because of this.
good luck bro...
also...look into some more govt assistance programs and go get your head checked out...you could use some meds right now. :-|


Active Member
From my understanding of all this why the cop showed up doesn't matter, the fact that you more or less invited him in means thats the search was legal. If you had told him "no" you can't come in then he would have had to get a warrant to enter your house. I'm not sure if smelling it is probable cause or not but if you said no and he came in anyways your lawyer could have had the case thrown out because the evidence was aquired illegally (illegal search).
As for the panic attack I've had them too the best thing to do is try and take your mind off it. I usually play video games or something until I calm down. You can try watching tv but its too easy for me to space out and think while watching tv. I hope all goes well.


Well-Known Member
at the i dont care part of his statement, you needed to be like i dont care if you come back WITH A WARRANT PERIOD. never give in to a cops tricky tactics.


Well-Known Member
hey dude to answer ur question cuz i dunno if anyone else did YES THAT IS AN ILLEGAL SEARCH for example one of my brothers was driving and he had 2 lbs of marijuana in his car and he was stopped through a routine traffic stop so they pulled him out detained him put him in front of their car then they said that they saw some swisher sweet rolling blunts that had cigar shit in them still they claim to have seen them through the window riiiiiiiite but anyways they asked him if he has marijuana in the car he says no then they tried to play that well ur already caught bullshit but he said no to everything they asked to search the car he said no get a warrant but they searched anyways as about 98% of cops will do and they found the weed he got out on bail went and got an attorny that day and the case eventually got thrown out due to an illegal search all charges were dropped i mean its really the cops word against urs but what really caught the cops with this one was the dashboard cam in their car that had audio and video caught it all and proved they did an illegal search so fuck them cops dude fight that shit to the fullest and ull be good hope all works out for ya dude goooood luck even though u wont need it
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