I Need Advice About A Threesome?


Well-Known Member
I never understood the idea that if he's cheating you have to go cheat. I think cheating is a pretty shitting thing to do to somebody. Why would I lower myself to his level just because he's an asshole?
why wouldn't you just leave instead of cheating...that shit irks me


Well-Known Member
No shit! It's like, ooh, I showed you! I showed you that I can be just as big a piece of shit as you can! So put THAT in your pipe and shmoke it!


Well-Known Member
i think im flying too...maybe thats why...janey...what we used to call weed....mary jane...maybe....i dunno


Well-Known Member
she hasn't helped me get laid recently though...im still waitin mary...you hear me...im stillll waitinnnn!


New Member
I am late to the party on this one...but I say fuck em both and fuck em hard...there is nothing worse than getting older and looking back and thinking...man I wish I had not passed up on that...:fire:


Well-Known Member
See, now I know I'D be down for two guys at once, but pretty much every guy I know would NEVER be down for anything involving another guy. I mean, except the guys I know who are bi or gay...and that just wouldn't work, because if the two guys I was with started going at it, I think it would probably kill the mood for me...


New Member
Nah for me even one guy is intimidating enough!!!!

If it were my choice as a threesome, I would pic 2 hot chicks anyday.:mrgreen: Who even needs the guy:?
Guys are so OVER_RATED :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I can't believe I just said all that but wtf. Who cares !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:peace:
See, now I know I'D be down for two guys at once, but pretty much every guy I know would NEVER be down for anything involving another guy. I mean, except the guys I know who are bi or gay...and that just wouldn't work, because if the two guys I was with started going at it, I think it would probably kill the mood for me...


Well-Known Member
Nah for me even one guy is intimidating enough!!!!

If it were my choice as a threesome, I would pic 2 hot chicks anyday.:mrgreen: Who even needs the guy:?
Guys are so OVER_RATED :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I can't believe I just said all that but wtf. Who cares !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:peace:
lol, Lacy, just let it all out!

More power to you, for being able to do without a guy. But me, I just like dick too much...

...so I guess if one of the girls had on a strap on, I'd be down