i need a ton of N NOW???


Active Member
i was away for the weekend and the heat in my cabinet was way too high. i believe this has lead to a nute lock. my aurora indica seedlings are a month old, in an organic soil, around 6.5 ph. the lower leaves have basically turned white. i'm assuming it was the heat, i will check ph tomorrow.
they have been fed only distilled water so far, as i was going to begin nutes this week. this seems like a N def, i have done a lot of reading and what i can't find is a clear answer on how to get a ton of N to the plant as soon as possible. is this even what i do? will fixing the temp problem simply allow the plants to resume feeding the N from the soil?

i applied organic foliar spray, .09-.02-.02, the tops of the plants are now very rich and dark green. this is getting a lot worse really fast and i would like to help it today, and orgnically if possible. any suggestions?

also - there's something wrong with the drainage of my containers, they never dry out at the top, could this be a cause or symptoms of the same problem?


Active Member
just as everyone is going to say you need to throw some pics up of the plants, as far as getting a ton of nitrogen in your plants try looking for Espoma "quick solutions" ammonium sulfate, its a water soluble nitrogen. I found it at my work to be honest so i dono where to get it but its 21-0-0 so its as much nitrogen as you can get in there. but its intended to be mixed in with the soil, so i guess you are supposed to use it before you plant. I put the stuff like an inch under the ground and my plants loved it. you can also get nitrogen out of you pee, as it contains ammonia (NH4, just dilute it a lot).


i wouldnt recommend flooding with (n) could cause you lots of problems and shock your plants to death since its the first taste of nutes...you do need pics so we can see what exactly your talking about before anyone could give any other advise....