I need a more precise guideline for watering than "feel the weight, duderino".

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I sat and read this hole freaking thread...i think watering is just common sense...

Seriously, sit back relax and toke man chill.

Indeed, it was clearly established that the OP has zero :) he doesn't understand the concept of something changing weight :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I will use my super mega awesome power and say thread open!? :D Who knows what is going on :D Who needs to be a moderator, with handsome looks like mine any threa will remain open.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Somene should sticky this thread! It has a ton of good info on how to water your plants! Don't put it in the beginer forum make a new forum called Stupid Fuck and this can be the sole thread in there! LOL ;) I can't believe this thread is still open!


Well-Known Member
Somene should sticky this thread! It has a ton of good info on how to water your plants! Don't put it in the beginer forum make a new forum called Stupid Fuck and this can be the sole thread in there! LOL ;) I can't believe this thread is still open!
Don't you dare! Then we would inevitably see the thread, "Methane gas burst DWC" otherwise known as "Analponics" or other stupid fuck job grows :clap:


Well-Known Member
How deep are your pots? So I can compare that to my pots ;)

I thought you needed to water until it comes out from the bottom holes. Isn't this valid for every stage?

Yes, I think so too.

Thanks for the help. I'd give you rep, but I already did not too long ago ;)

^ thats not a good reason. keep it coming.

and yea your right, til it comes outa the bottom, but ive been doing this for so long that ive MASTERED the watering to where only a drop or 2 come outa the bottom, and thats about how much i water every time. SHEESH!

and i keep humidity at 50% for air, and soil humidity? iono man, moist? damp? id say about 15 min of flirting with a semi drunk girl moist. not so wet that your finger just plops in there and you get that wierd sound of wetness sloshing around. much drier than that. and i dont water til its about as dry as... dry gets? does that help? haha lets not get technical dude. its herb. your growing a weed. a FREAKING WEED. Dont make it the mohave, or a swamp.

the amount you water is MUCH less important than WHAT your watering, and drainage. if the water you pour on the plant doesnt get soaked up in 5 seconds or less, your drainage is bad.

dont sweat the small stuff dude. dont worry be happy.


Take the guessing out of the equation and invest in quality equipment. A moisture meter is essential to growing good bud! I bought the Rapitest moisture meter (available at Amazon among many other retail outlets) for under $20.


Well-Known Member
Moisture meter 30 dollars,
Data usage defending said meter 10 dollars,
Lift the pot method free,
Growing experience priceless........