I need a doctor! sick and not growing help!


New Member
when i look at that seedling i see the leafs yellow tells me first off over watering and secondly possibly it needs food


Well-Known Member
To me this looks like bad soil. If possible, throw it away and start a new plant in better soil, or better yet a hydroponic medium like coco.

As for seeds given food at 3", this may be right for hydro (though your ppm's sound way too much, but I guess you got a strain that can take it), but I woulnd't do that in soil.


Well-Known Member
damn I thinks its sooooo funny that people say young plants don't need food. YOUNG PLANTS DO NEED FOOD, JUST NOT AS MUCH... Would you not feed a new born baby, it just wouldn't eat as much right? Feed your plants and they will love you for it, just start out lite and see how much they can take.


New Member
what most people will do at early stages is over water and thats causes a hole can of worms of problems you stressed them etc

here is a pic of some recent clones i took about 8 days after i cloned them i transplanted them into 3" pots useing 4 litres of water i added 3 ml of superthrive some greens 5 ml of 1 -1 -1 and my A and B's 2 ml of a and 2 ml of B per 4 litres of water
these are under florescents and look at the new growth there taking off will feed only once every 7 days in this stage next feeding my ppm will raise no stress just proper transition into next size pot and in 3 weeks they will look like this giving them food every watering and lots of food


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
damn I thinks its sooooo funny that people say young plants don't need food. YOUNG PLANTS DO NEED FOOD, JUST NOT AS MUCH... Would you not feed a new born baby, it just wouldn't eat as much right? Feed your plants and they will love you for it, just start out lite and see how much they can take.
You do know that light is what plants eat right? :) Water and Light are food. We aren't talking about food, we're talking about supplements which are ostensibly needed. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Yer agreed both ways, some seedling soils have enough but some are lacking, i dont have to feed seedlings but 400ppm dose of fish ferts certainly gets em growing, without it they do ok but dont green up very fast nor grow very fast, at the very least i like a good seaweed drench or fish ferts of 400ppm in the first week or so of growth but can do without it if needs be. Still his plant looks overwaterded and possibly dead. Peace


Well-Known Member
Well if soil has food in it already then yes your right you don't need to feed but I use promix which has no food whatsoever so I start feeding the day they pop


Well-Known Member
Well if soil has food in it already then yes your right you don't need to feed but I use promix which has no food whatsoever so I start feeding the day they pop
My seedling soil is quite light too, i cant feed straight away but first week or so they definatly need it if i want em to explode growth wise plus very good for the soil organisms. Most sites recomend a seaweed or fish based boost for the soil anyway with young seedlings, quick available nutrients and soil enhancers, as long as its low i dont see that it can do any damage plus knowing your soil is important. A mistake would be starting a seedling of in normal potting soil or normal miracle grow imo seedling soils and pro mixes offer greater control from the start. Peace