I need 2-3 pounds every 3 months..12 plant max...any recommendations on setup/method?


Active Member
Hi everyone,

Just got my card and I can grow 12 plants. This is my FIRST GROW and I"m trying to figure out what sort lighting rig would I need and what method would be the best??? i.e. scrog, topping, supercropping or just growing them out. I am thinking about 2 1000w using coco as a medium and watering myself.

This will be in a basement that is dry and pretty cool. So far I know I will need the lights, coco, pots, some sort of ventilation, ph test and nuts. Anything MAJOR that I am forgetting?

Since i have a large basement I am wondering if i would be better off building a room within a room probably 8x8 or maybe more or if i should just use the whole room?

Also any recommendations on what brand of light and reflector and a place that sels them with good deals? I am thinking maybe the Adjust-A-Wing would be good, but I dont know how hot they are or how to cool them.

any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
2-3 pounds from a first grow will be extremely difficult.

Maybe have 5 plants to clone from, and take 7 clones, veg them for a month, then flower for 2 months?


Well-Known Member
The only reason for growing MJ completely under lights is that it is ILLEGAL. Now you have a permit to grow 12 plants, why aren´t you doing it under the sun - the best light and free.

But maybe your climate is shite - if I went back to the UK I would grow in a greenhouse with frosted glass and some supplemental lighting for dull days.

My first grow here - where we can grow for our own use - was outdoors in 5 gallon buckets and averaged 10 oz dry per plant. Now I can get a pound a plant.


Well-Known Member
The only reason for growing MJ completely under lights is that it is ILLEGAL. Now you have a permit to grow 12 plants, why aren´t you doing it under the sun - the best light and free.

But maybe your climate is shite - if I went back to the UK I would grow in a greenhouse with frosted glass and some supplemental lighting for dull days.

My first grow here - where we can grow for our own use - was outdoors in 5 gallon buckets and averaged 10 oz dry per plant. Now I can get a pound a plant.
good call .


Well-Known Member
The only reason for growing MJ completely under lights is that it is ILLEGAL. Now you have a permit to grow 12 plants, why aren´t you doing it under the sun - the best light and free.

But maybe your climate is shite - if I went back to the UK I would grow in a greenhouse with frosted glass and some supplemental lighting for dull days.

My first grow here - where we can grow for our own use - was outdoors in 5 gallon buckets and averaged 10 oz dry per plant. Now I can get a pound a plant.
I agree with him. i would love to grow outside. way better yields and its free. if i was only doing 12 plants that what i would do. i grow 72 plants 2 rooms that harvest 4 weeks apart so im harvesting a little under and sumtimes a little over 4 pounds a month. I can show you how to do sumthing like that. but not with 12 plants. if you put 6 plants to a 1,000 watt light in 10 gallon pots you could harvest a qp a plant if in 3 months


Active Member
i live in an apartment so for now the outdoors thing will have to wait. I was thinking 2 1000w lights and either doing 4 or 5 under each light with a ScroG method would get me up to those type of yields.


Well-Known Member
The only reason for growing MJ completely under lights is that it is ILLEGAL.
My wife and I are both legal patients in California and live in a one bedroom apartment so I have to use lights, does that make it illegal?

For the OP, I can't see why anyone "needs" 2 to 3 pounds every 3 months unless it's mostly for profit. If that is the case I suggest you buy a grow book, do a ton of research and read a lot, read more when you're done reading because growing that much in your first try is not going to be as easy as buying equipment and planting seeds, IMHO
crop them at least 3 times in veg, limit your exhaust and go heavy on the ac, and dehumidifier, keep your room at 1400ppm CO2 when lights on, starting after the 2nd week flowering, and fed them.
use 3 600w enahanced 25% more blue bulbs instead of 2 1000w, cover more space evenly, better efficiency.

use a quality hybrid, id say mandala #1, speed queen or 8 mile high

12 plants 5 weeks veg, 8 to flower....12 plants in 5 gallon buckets and pull 5 ounces a plant... 60 zips is around what your looking for


Well-Known Member
You'll probably need to have a perpetual setup so maybe look into some grow tents (Secret Jardin, GrowLab, etc.) where you can maybe veg while you flower, that way when you cut one down you can replace it with a 4+ week old plant


Well-Known Member
The only reason for growing MJ completely under lights is that it is ILLEGAL. Now you have a permit to grow 12 plants, why aren´t you doing it under the sun - the best light and free.

But maybe your climate is shite - if I went back to the UK I would grow in a greenhouse with frosted glass and some supplemental lighting for dull days.

My first grow here - where we can grow for our own use - was outdoors in 5 gallon buckets and averaged 10 oz dry per plant. Now I can get a pound a plant.
Not exactly I,m legal and I choose to grow indoors because its a year round season opposed to outdoors. Its fun to create an controlled enviroment and there are less pests .Would love to do an out door grow but even when your legal it draws too much attention creates security issues .


Well-Known Member
You should just use the entire basement if you can no need for an enclosure . Your temps in an basement are easy to controll. Just pick a corner you would like to use and set up shop. On your first grow its best to work with one strain its easier to tell what the hell is going on if there is a problem. You mentioned coco is that your medium of choice or are u guessing coco , and soil are two way different mediums .Coco forces you to track ph as where say organic soil the ph takes care of it self. For your lights just go with an inexpensive air cooled hood a 1000 watter puts off some heat and is less efficent than a 600 w . 2 600's is better than 1 - 1000 .Check out Riddleme's grow he,s set up in the corner of his basement and is using coco.


Active Member
thanks for the tips everyone. I just wanted to clarify, I dont need 2-3 lbs the 1st time, but I am trying to plan my setup and lights and just want to plan accordingly. About the coir,
I understand you have to treat coco like hydro, but i have been under the impression that its a very forgiving medium. If i get a ph tester is it really that hard to track?


New Member
crop them at least 3 times in veg, limit your exhaust and go heavy on the ac, and dehumidifier, keep your room at 1400ppm CO2 when lights on, starting after the 2nd week flowering, and fed them.
use 3 600w enahanced 25% more blue bulbs instead of 2 1000w, cover more space evenly, better efficiency.

use a quality hybrid, id say mandala #1, speed queen or 8 mile high

12 plants 5 weeks veg, 8 to flower....12 plants in 5 gallon buckets and pull 5 ounces a plant... 60 zips is around what your looking for
When Chinas people took over and started all goverment rice farms and harvest time came,all the rice farmers would gather for the goverment rice harvest total...One farmer would come in and say.."I GOT 5 TON PER ACRE..the next one..I GOT 7 TON PER ACRE..the next one..I GOT 10 TON PER ACRE...When the goverment had the total there should have been so much rice they could have ship some away to sale..Yet the warehouses where empty?..All the goverment people got togther called the police,who took all this exter rice?..They searched high and low but no rice?...How could this be?..With such a yield there should be tons and tons of rice...Then some drunk farmer stumbled forward and told all the goverment people why there is no rice...ALL MY FUCKING FRIENDS LIE...I am the only one that gets 12 ton per acre...lol...I guess you might get some of these yields if you use 100 lights AND all that equipment,(DAM..a AC and dehumidifier) ..BUT WHO WANTS TOO???
When Chinas people took over and started all goverment rice farms and harvest time came,all the rice farmers would gather for the goverment rice harvest total...One farmer would come in and say.."I GOT 5 TON PER ACRE..the next one..I GOT 7 TON PER ACRE..the next one..I GOT 10 TON PER ACRE...When the goverment had the total there should have been so much rice they could have ship some away to sale..Yet the warehouses where empty?..All the goverment people got togther called the police,who took all this exter rice?..They searched high and low but no rice?...How could this be?..With such a yield there should be tons and tons of rice...Then some drunk farmer stumbled forward and told all the goverment people why there is no rice...ALL MY FUCKING FRIENDS LIE...I am the only one that gets 12 ton per acre...lol...I guess you might get some of these yields if you use 100 lights AND all that equipment,(DAM..a AC and dehumidifier) ..BUT WHO WANTS TOO???
why?!!!!!?!!!!? because if you buy the right equipment (ie best bulbs, ballasts, nutes) and utilize co2 efficiently(limit exhaust, use a quality regulator and co2 controller) and control your atmosphere (dehumidifier, extra ac due to lack of exhaust) and utilize space (cropping and 5 week veg is perfect for an indoor hybrid in 5 gallon buckets)..........THEN YOUR YIELDS WILL PAY FOR ALL OF YOUR EQUIPMENT ON THE FIRST GROW!!!!!!!! put 5k into a set up from the start and you instantly decrease the cost to manufacture pot, and pay for your equipment.

you get what you put in....fool
the only thing you need to be nervous about when using heavy ac, dehumidifiers, multiple fans, co2 regulators, co2 controller, uv flourescents, multiple 600 watt hps lights...is your electric bill.... but if your aiming for effiency(ie using multiple 600w bulbs over 1000 for better lumen output) using co2 controllers, keeping everything on digital timers....your electric bill will be high but it wont raise any flags