I must be out of my mind! I was having a bit of issue with foliage, here's what a newbie should not

Preferably I would have selectively defoliated a few weeks prior to flower to give the plant time to develop more bud sites at the nodes and then again at about this time (which by the looks is two weeks into flower?)
I did, about three weeks ago, and yes they are starting their third week. And the foliage that I posted is what came back.
Will do, I went out a few hours after I did that expecting them to be sagging it what I found was that the leaf that I left were looking happy as I've seen up till now. On my own I wouldn't Ave even considered it but my buddies grandfather who has been growing since 1968 was the one who told me if I do that I will increase my yield by as much as 40%. Since he has been growing for almost 50 years I figured what the hell. He stopped by about an hour after I did it and he said not bad for your first time, but he said he would have taken even more. He also told me to be patient and wait a week then do it again. I don't think I'll do that one again unless he shows me personally

wow, well it'll really be interesting to see what's going to happen.
this thread could turn out to be a classic, the kind that gets posted on other forums as reference. there aren't too many opportunities to see a grow like this.
Also I think you done too much at once.

But in regards to defoliation I had an outdoor grow decimated by an animal eating literally everything but the main stem, it took 2 weeks and two tiny leaves had formed. A month later from that I had a massive bush which is about as big as my current indoor soil grow with about 7 tops. Unfortunately my grow was cut short outdoors but It proves that you will have some recovery. (This reveg did occur in the veg period though)
Well these ladies have a considerable amount of tops most have 15-18 but a couple have 23-25. I did take the advice of an old man that has been growing longer than I've been alive and I'm 42. he swears by what I did and did say that there are many who will find what I did offensive and stupid he was right lol.
wow, well it'll really be interesting to see what's going to happen.
this thread could turn out to be a classic, the kind that gets posted on other forums as reference. there aren't too many opportunities to see a grow like this.
You know, Before I started to grow I did alot of research on it and I have used every technique I thought that would give me the results I'm looking for, it helps that I am out of my mind though, I spent a small fortune on my room.
I'm running 3 1000wat hps in a 7×16×9 room but they are in a 7×7×9 area the other space is for clones and seedlings where I have two t5's. I have a 6" can fan for my intake and an 8" can fan with carbon filter I installed a couple days ago. the room itself has 1"foam insulation in the floor that's covered buy 5/8" advantac the walls both interior an exterior all have r13 pink panther insulation with whiteboard covering the walls that are flat white. My room stays at 73' fh and during the off time it around 65-68 my rh is around 50% right now but fluctuate little I have one hurricane alternating fan that cools the top and a box fan blowing under them so plenty of air flow. You can't see it in the pics but the plant trunks are huge and most of the branches are all so due to super cropping. It may be my first time but I've done my home work so we shall see.
Doesn't look too bad what was day you did it? What's strains? Hybrids and Sativa's like it Indica's very iffy gotta go light. Might of gone a lil too hard but should be fine. Personally i take every large water leaf below the third node on day 4 and day 24. Shouldn't be that bad if your still early. Sorry if you've already answered questions just didn't see those answers
I stunted them cause I fucked with them to much, that's just what newbies do right thus the name alwayslearnin
Agreed personal opinion don't mess with plants using these techniques until you know your plants. Always gonna be a learning curve but do some runs figure out the growing part and then start on to stress training and defoliation techniques.
Doesn't look too bad what was day you did it? What's strains? Hybrids and Sativa's like it Indica's very iffy gotta go light. Might of gone a lil too hard but should be fine. Personally i take every large water leaf below the third node on day 4 and day 24. Shouldn't be that bad if your still early. Sorry if you've already answered questions just didn't see those answers
No problem, they are starting 3 week of flowering and that will be the last time I do it unless they need it wich I doubt
No problem, they are starting 3 week of flowering and that will be the last time I do it unless they need it wich I doubt
Eh you shouldn't be bad off to be honest you did in middle of my dates essentially and just went hard one time. These hybrids or Sativa's? Indica's?

I did, about three weeks ago, and yes they are starting their third week. And the foliage that I posted is what came back.

Afgan King and I just went back and forth a little on this issue in another thread. obviously he's for it, my position is it's crazy.

seems like there are a number of people who subscribe this technique. it just goes against my sense of logic.
eager to see the results.
Afgan King and I just went back and forth a little on this issue in another thread. obviously he's for it, my position is it's crazy.

seems like there are a number of people who subscribe this technique. it just goes against my sense of logic.
eager to see the results.
I mean his technique is more than mine is and i know my plants and have my rooms dialed in and so on so different. To do it without knowing the technique or being taught in person is rough. He shouldn't be that bad off but who knows still don't know strains
Wooow ..... That's awesome... Have never seen it done so hard out before , PLEASE keep the thread up to date with how it goes.... Hopefully they bounce back and fill in nicely for ya , but if they don't I guess its a lesson learned ...
Wooow ..... That's awesome... Have never seen it done so hard out before , PLEASE keep the thread up to date with how it goes.... Hopefully they bounce back and fill in nicely for ya , but if they don't I guess its a lesson learned ...
Ya don't take everything lol gotta leave some foilage