I ....might have a problem...?


Okay, so... I am getting worried, maybe it it just newbie nerves, I don't know, but... I may have waited to long to flower. I am growing in a cabinet and she is extraordinarily healthy, thing are going great, but she is getting tall. How do I slow down the height growth and let the buds grow? I can see 'em, they are developing... (Been in flower for a week now) but I do have a height issue... My cabinet is tall, but damn...

Do I need to worry?


Active Member
may we see the situation in a photo?

top, lst, tie 'em down .... that's about all you can do, and let them just fight for survival. They're weeds, so in the end they'll be ok if they aren't getting burned by hitting a light.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the genetics, they will stretch up to the 5th week, and some barely stretch at all. Keep the light as close as possible and hope for the best. I know I did the same thing and I was sweating it for a while, they stopped at about 3 weeks, but I have no more adjustment in my light.

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
super crop or tie down the tops a bit. if you supercrop it might stress it out a bit more than just tying it down.


Well-Known Member
Am I seeing the ceiling in those photos? I am not sure of the
headroom you have left, but those are not too big, I am thinking.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Looks like a scrog, I would just tuck them a bit more and go into flower. You will have some stretch with the lights as far away from the leaves.


Just chop it in half? Huh? That's freakin me out... Lol... I have been reading up on "super cropping". And... I guess I have been super cropping. That is a plant from a single seed in the pic. She is almost 3' wide. I attached a pic showing the headroom. I got stoned and forgot to post it before. : )



Well-Known Member
You should be fine to flower now. maybe snip the top growing point off to sort of stop vertical growth.


Well-Known Member
If that's one plant and you are a newb you're killing it bro! Completely fine with height. You sir are on the path to greatness, don't kill them with love.


Active Member
If that's one plant and you are a newb you're killing it bro! Completely fine with height. You sir are on the path to greatness, don't kill them with love.
That is what I was thinking. Keep her tucked, tied, trimmed.. I see no issues from those photo's. Pretty spiffy plant.


Sorry for the delayed response... I had to go buy a new hat. It seems my head swelled quite a bit lol.

Thank you! Your comments really did make me relax about how this is going.


Well-Known Member
looks fantastic bro
you have no height issues yet
look at my grow you will see height probs its under Ice / Crystal grow update