I messed up and need help!


Well-Known Member
So this year i decided to do a bit of an experiment, scrog one liberty haze in a greenhouse. It started off very well, better than expected even. However it got waaaay to big and was touching the top of the 7 foot greenhouse. I ended up having to top it early august. I realize now that it was in the stretching phase and it seemed to revert back to the beginning of flowering phase after I topped it. Then I screwed up again because I have a horrible infestation of white flies I set off a bug bomb in the greenhouse. I noticed today that a lot of the under brush has blackened and died, however the tops were all still very healthy. I chalked the blackened area up to a concentration of the bug bomb fumes when it went off.

Today I really screwed up because for some reason I didnt put two and two together on the "stretch" phase of flowering and whatnot and I noticed the tops were all touching or an inch away from touching the top of the greenhouse. So being as fucked up as I am, I topped it again.

Can anyone tell me what to expect here? Liberty haze says flowering time is 8-9 weeks. does that mean I have 8-9 weeks from today since I fucked up? and do I stand a chance of making the feminized liberty hermie?

Again this is my first greenhouse grow. just one plant that got WAY huge, along with tomatoes and peppers haha.

Any advice is much needed and appreciated!


Active Member
I don't know what you can expect from that poor plant - it is probably so overstressed it's not funny. Instead of cutting the top off again and again - bend and tie it down a little each day (without breaking it I may add). Good Luck


Well-Known Member
My folks grew a big outdoor Dutch strain - Holland's Hope - which turned out to be a sativa dominant phenotype. Their plan was to grow it in their greenhouse but the plant ended up being 8ft+ tall. It had to be moved outside in order to cope with the height. Then cold nights kicked in too early and she didn't ripen before the frosts. That was Midlands UK. Only strains I would consider now outside would be heavily Indica doms that are renowned for starting flower early. Liberty Haze (and many Barney strains) have masses of phenotypic diversity. I've heard of short stout 8ish weekers, and crazy sativa dom x4 stretch phenotypes that flower for 14 weeks. I hate to say it, but sounds like you have a super stretch one which from my research always seem to be the super long flower girls. So basically unless you're somewhere like Cali, or Spain (or of course the equator) then I think you will really struggle to finish that outdoors.

Some pics would help with pheno ID. Are the leaves super thin?


Well-Known Member
It does seem to be kinda stretchy but I just chalked that up to it being sativa dom. I would do pics but the government scares me. I hate barney seeds. I wanted a big ass plant but this is just to much man! So what do you suggest I do? cause it is rather flimsy and can bend easily. Its in a greenhouse which is not air tight by any means but I heard I can heat it with mulch. If worst comes to worst It started as an experiment... but I would sure hate to see such a beast just die... I have learned however from this season.


Well-Known Member
are you topping it in flower??? if so stop or you COULD turn that poor thing hermi. if you have the room start bending the plant over and tying it down. do just a little every couple days so you dont break anything and stress it out any more. try and make a upside down "U" shape out of it.


Well-Known Member
Lol its just fucked man... but from here out I will just bend it, No idea why I topped it... and plants should be in flowering by now... I think I just messed it up when I topped it the first time and I just messed it up even more today lol. I feel like such a novice man... Next year I'll kick some ass tho. Might even make a journal, doubt it tho. damn NSA...


Well-Known Member
Sooo you topped twice? It'll be fine... Marijuana is a weed, just don't throw too much at it at once and it'll be fine. Topping simply stops growth at the top of the plant and redirects it elsewhere - yes topping twice is stressful but let's say you topped once and then a cat ate the top half of your plant; your plant would keep growing (tho it was topped twice). Sorry if I misread your post tho and this has nothing to do w/ topping twice lol


Well-Known Member
Sooo you topped twice? It'll be fine... Marijuana is a weed, just don't throw too much at it at once and it'll be fine. Topping simply stops growth at the top of the plant and redirects it elsewhere - yes topping twice is stressful but let's say you topped once and then a cat ate the top half of your plant; your plant would keep growing (tho it was topped twice). Sorry if I misread your post tho and this has nothing to do w/ topping twice lol
As much as I appreciate your reply I topped the thing WAY more than twice lol I topped it once as a youngen then it got huge on me so I cut the tops of the branches as well as the tops that were touching the top of the greenhouse. then I topped it again today although its in flowering... I appreciate the reply though!