I may have been ripped off by Nirvana seed bank and Attitude seed bank WTF!!

I ordered anonymously through John Doe seeds a couple months back and received my order without problem. Nirvana is a reputable company. If they received your cash, you will get your seeds. You did remember to post your order form along with your cash, right? My suggestion. Go to the Nirvana site and open a ticket. Alice will let you know if they have received your order and when it was shipped. I've never had to wait more than 72 hours for them to reply to my tickets. It usually takes a couple of weeks for them to receive your order and a couple weeks after that for you to receive your seeds. Be patient.
Thats a bummer. Hope everything works out. I got ripped till I found Sannie's. I'm just blown away that my plants look exactally like sannie's pictures. That hooked me for life.
Can anyone tell me why there are no domestic seed banks here in the states. the last time I ordered from nirvana customs seized (fortunately) my grow kit. Thank God the seeds came through... but I had to re order three times because the first two packages were crushed beyond recognition... I just tripled my risk because of three deliveries... don't like it... once should be enough.. no need to throw red flags up for the feds.

so... any domestic seeds available?
Yo, Attitude is legit. you get what you give, if you are too cheap to pay for the guaranteed shipping then its your fault for ordering paraphernalia and having it caught.
does anyone know what the nirvana seed bank charge says on your credit card? they say it is discreet, but they dont actually tell you what it says.
I can guarantee you that Nirvana doesn't rip people off man.. please don't make false accusations against them like that. I've used them for over 4 years now and I've only had one single problem with just one of my orders.. and it wasn't even their fault, it was the USPS fault, because they lost it or sent it to the wrong address (heh, wonder what the person/people thought of their/my package?! lol..)

Anyhow, I contacted Alice over at Nirvana and they made everything right.. plus some. Resent my original order to me, PLUS, sent me a 5-pack of their 'White Berry' for free...

Your order is either still in transit.. or, it got lost or possibly seized by customs.. which rarely happens.

You need to contact Nirvana and ask POLITELY, if they could make things right with you. Make sure you tell the truth though man.. don't lie to them. Just tell them exactly what the problem is.. and they'll take it from there.

good luck.

you will not of been ripped off by attertude thats for sure, there the world leader in seed sales they not in the bissness of screwin people over for a few lowsey bucks , did you request the tracked shippin option ? im in europe so dont have to worry about that , sure you will get to the bottom of it
Actually this is exactly when companies start ripping people off,
its proven in the business industry NO DOUBT! Look at how many Multimillion dollar companies went bankrupt
I've used Nirvana once and Attitude seeds twice, nirvana usually takes about 10 days, but I bought directly from their site so I can't tell you there. As for getting seeds from the attitude i would say your golden, just hang tight. their "normal" shipping isn't as quick as the discrete options...