I luv this as a hobby, but sad that it's frowned apon


Well-Known Member
Greetings my brothers and sisters. This is my first post, been reading everyday for a few weeks now and I was pleased to see how easy it was to become a member and post asap, credits. Now while reading I got ideas in my head how easy it was and getting good info from posts and other sites. I decided to give it a shot and was not serious at first cause I was literally flat broke, decided to save some seeds from a bag of light green ares that had a ton of seed so I saved the brown ones. I then used the paper towel germinate technique while I got some scotts planting soil, red party cups, and 3 regular house twisted flouros that equal a bit over 3,000 lumens combined, a rubbermaid tub lined with black bag, and a clip on mini fan, and of course a spray bottle, with spring water. I was just messin around and did not expect 8 outa 14 seeds to show tails. Placed them about an inch deep and put em on a 18/6 cycle best I could without a timer (ya ghetto style for now only paid for soil:blsmoke:). I watered them after I turned lights off always and starting to do it when I turn them back on. I was very surpized to see 7 outa 8 seeds sprout above ground (some faster than others ) . Day 6 just began this moment and a my tallest yougin is easily over 2 inch! I was definetly not expecting it to grow like this from a VERY! VERY! ghetto setup but soon to upgrade from htgsupply:mrgreen:.

I now love growing as a hobby almost as much as tokin and I am heart brokin and confused to why this wonderful herb is illegal and decriminalized. It should be 100% legal, it makes no sence to have alcohol legal which is alot worse that herb. Herb is more peacful,loving, and soothing. Although I recommend people find God and other good things besides growing. There is nothing wrong with lovingly growing a wonderful herb and nursing it which teaches you about plants and patience and many more, an herb that you can sit back and enjoy with loved ones and gaze at the sky on a sunset and just cry so it's so beatiful in a peacful session. I am heart broken that people are getting jailed for this, and the fact that our culture dosen't ecept it. The herb really put's your mind right, I do not recommend it be mixed with some other things in life but not frowned apon in society. Our Father Jehova God said all herbs are good! Father Jehova and his son Jesus be with you all. Amen


Elite Rolling Society
It is just what the man, the law, and the rednecks dictate. Any why they have tobacco legal, knowing the harm it does, and then make pot illegal, as good as it is, it just doesn't make any sense. In my mind, it is just "the dark side" that makes life difficult.
And I went back and read THE POWER OF PRAYER, AND THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING , and POSITIVE IMAGING, all by Norman Vincent Peale. BTW, I think Rhonda Byrne ripped off Peale's theories.
Anyway, I strongly urge you and everyone to read THE SECRET, it can change our lives for sure. I always get a parking place up front at Walmart now. LOL And I never catch a cold.
My attitude, my positive thinking, my belief in the Higher Power, my relationship with God, (we're close friends) all make me confident and safe in my growing herb.
Just also sharing some thoughts, bro,
God's Peace


Active Member
i also have a still and make spirits (vodka mainly) i really dont care what anyone thinks...LIFES TO SHORT TO WORRY ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK OF US..
love and peace...love and peace !!!!!!!!!!